Calling all Women Lifters

Any women out there who love to pump iron? Would love to get a thread going on your favorite sets, trouble areas, lifting supplements, preferred equipment, etc.

Lets start with this...

What is the most creative/challenging exercise you do?

I do a lateral plank - where one arm and one leg is holding me up and my body is facing the wall instead of the ground. I use a pushup bar to keep my wrist from getting stressed. I put my feet up on a lifting bench to add more weight to my shoulder and challenge my core further. With my free hand I hold on to a small free weight... 5-8lbs or so. I also have 5-8lbs on my ankle weights. I lift my free/upper leg and extend my free/upper hand out straight past my head. I then do side crunches moving my upper leg's knee to my upper arm's elbow. I do 10-12 reps each side... that's one set. Usually 3-4 sets.

Works the core, stabilizer muscles and shoulders big time.


  • F4v30n3
    thanks Guardup.. this is such a great idea :) Like button.

    right now I am having trouble controlling the bar with lift straps. espeacially on dead lifts.. any suggestions?
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I've starting The New Rules of Lifting for Women. I've found I have most problems with my grip. I thought about getting Versa Gripps but they are awfully pricey. I tried some straps but they just seemed to make it worse.

    I'm having the most problems getting into a 40-30-30 ratio. I'm always over on carbs and under on protein. That's just something I'm going to have to refine.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Me! Me! Me! I'm a women lifter too! My most challenging move as of lately would probably be squat-jacks with five-pound weighted ankle and wrist weights... I know, I'm a sissy.

    Do you gals ever wonder if the female body (muscle wise) benefits from whey protein as well as male bodies? I'm never sure but chug the stuff twice daily anyway...
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I've starting The New Rules of Lifting for Women. I've found I have most problems with my grip. I thought about getting Versa Gripps but they are awfully pricey. I tried some straps but they just seemed to make it worse.

    I'm having the most problems getting into a 40-30-30 ratio. I'm always over on carbs and under on protein. That's just something I'm going to have to refine.

    I use VersaGripps. Yeah, they are pricey. But they are AMAZING. They are so simple to grab the bar... just slip the leather under and your hand over.. grab the leather... and lift. No wrapping or adjusting or smelly cotton. And I've had the same pair for over a year now with no significant signs of wear and tear. That's impressive considering the amount of lifting I do.

    I would suggest doing a protein supplement if you are having problems with protein. I do a 25% ratio for protein because after research I discovered that my body size simply cannot absorb more than 150 grams a day. Even at my lifting routine, I stick to 120 grams. I do whey protein... Jarrow all natural. Would love to find a Whey Protein Isolate that is all natural because I am lactose intolerant.

    I also do a lot of chicken, salmon, tuna and soy products for extra protein.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    thanks Guardup.. this is such a great idea :) Like button.

    right now I am having trouble controlling the bar with lift straps. espeacially on dead lifts.. any suggestions?

    Can you give me more about the trouble? Is the bar slipping? If so, it might be how you are wrapping your straps. As stated before, I am a big fan of VersaGripps... but cotton straps CAN get the job done.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Me! Me! Me! I'm a women lifter too! My most challenging move as of lately would probably be squat-jacks with five-pound weighted ankle and wrist weights... I know, I'm a sissy.

    Do you gals ever wonder if the female body (muscle wise) benefits from whey protein as well as male bodies? I'm never sure but chug the stuff twice daily anyway...

    As mentioned earlier, I do a Whey Protein supplement. I also do Cliff Builder Bars right after my lifting workout. They are all natural with no high fructose corn syrup (which is nasty for your body).
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Does anyone else do a pre-workout (or during-workout) shooter?

    I am testing out Jack3d with 100mcg of liquid Vitamin B-12. The Jack3d has only 100mg of caffeine... which is about the same as a cup of coffee. This is good for me because I am caffeine sensitive but need some for the cell regeneration effects as well as added energy.

    We'll see how it goes.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    The only supplement I take is a prenatal (for just in case) and Syntha-6. I only drink the Syntha-6 on my lifting days. I know there's better whey protein out there, but I can't say they're better tasting.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    The only supplement I take is a prenatal (for just in case) and Syntha-6. I only drink the Syntha-6 on my lifting days. I know there's better whey protein out there, but I can't say they're better tasting.

    If you have a Trader Joe's near you, try picking up their "Sipping Chocolate". It's only sold during November and December. Add one tablespoon to your Whey Protein and it makes it MUCH easier going down (for only 30 more calories plus a good dose of extra fiber and iron).
  • F4v30n3

    Can you give me more about the trouble? Is the bar slipping? If so, it might be how you are wrapping your straps. As stated before, I am a big fan of VersaGripps... but cotton straps CAN get the job done.

    it seems the bar sways.. and I noticed when I grip the bar, I lift evenly, but with straps it seems one side drops lower then the other.. there is no mirror near the area, so I can only feel my form..
    I will look into the versagripps.

    I take Ergo Pump before my w/o. I love love it!!! energy and focus..
    I've never taken Jack3d but I didnt like n.o.xlpode. so far Ergo pump is the best pre w/o supp.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230

    it seems the bar sways.. and I noticed when I grip the bar, I lift evenly, but with straps it seems one side drops lower then the other.. there is no mirror near the area, so I can only feel my form..
    I will look into the versagripps.

    I take Ergo Pump before my w/o. I love love it!!! energy and focus..
    I've never taken Jack3d but I didnt like n.o.xlpode. so far Ergo pump is the best pre w/o supp.

    If one side of the bar drops lower than the other, it may be one of three things:

    1) Your grips are different with you relying more on your fingers with the lower side than on the higher side. Suggestion: Tighten you wrap on the lower side hand. Standard cotton grips are tough to use if you aren't experienced in how to wind them single-handedly. If you are right handed, it is usually the right grip that is wound loose and the side that drops.

    2) Your grips might be placed unevenly on the bar. Look at the hash marks on the bar for where your hands go. If you don't place your hands on the hash marks, then make sure they are evenly spaced from each hash mark. You can also tell this by whether the bar feels heavier on one side.

    3) You may have a significant discrepancy between the muscles on the side that is lower and the side that is higher. In a deadlift, this can come from both your actual muscles as well as your posture. I would seriously suggest either finding a gym with mirrors or get another lifter to watch your form. Have them watch your shoulders on the lift to make sure they are even. Make sure BOTH of your shoulders are tensed and drawn back... and your hips pushed forward slightly... at the end of the lift. Look in a good reference to see photos of this position and try to mimic it.

    Hope this helps.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Does anyone else do a pre-workout (or during-workout) shooter?

    I am testing out Jack3d with 100mcg of liquid Vitamin B-12. The Jack3d has only 100mg of caffeine... which is about the same as a cup of coffee. This is good for me because I am caffeine sensitive but need some for the cell regeneration effects as well as added energy.

    We'll see how it goes.

    We just started Jack3d last week. We were using Fuzion K-akg, but that has some carbs in it. Fuzion is through Nutrishop and tastes a whole lot better than Jack3d. My husband wants to go back to Fuzion. I like the idea of adding some liquid B-12 is there a particular brand that you use?
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230

    We just started Jack3d last week. We were using Fuzion K-akg, but that has some carbs in it. Fuzion is through Nutrishop and tastes a whole lot better than Jack3d. My husband wants to go back to Fuzion. I like the idea of adding some liquid B-12 is there a particular brand that you use?

    I use the GNC brand Liquid Vitamin B-12... but I only add a drop or two since a whole dropper full (the recommended dose) is over 16 THOUSAND percent of the USRDA. 1000% is enough. More than that and I doubt the body can use it. Since its water soluble, the body would just flush it out. Taking a smaller amount makes it less expensive.

    I'm not sensitive to taste. If I can choke down a can of Monster (Blech!) I can choke down almost anything. I am more concerned about how it affects my performance and how it makes me feel after.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I'm not a very serious lifter. I just use ChaLean Extreme but I'd love to know what the B-12 does to help performance?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Thanks for the info on B-12. I'll see if they have it similar at Vitamin Shoppe or at I stopped going to GNC years ago. The sales people are always clueless; no matter where you go.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I'm not a very serious lifter. I just use ChaLean Extreme but I'd love to know what the B-12 does to help performance?

    B-12 is just one of the important B vitamins for weight lifting. Here is a basic rundown:

    B-12: Metabolizing Carbohydrates and maintaining the nervous system (quick energy)
    B-6: Metabolizing Protein - this one is tied to protein intake, the more protein you eat, the more of this you need
    B-3: Many different forms of energy production (also called Niacin)
    B-2: Metabolizing Protein (also called Riboflavin)
    B-1: Metabolizing Protein as well as Hemoglobin (for transporting oxygen)

    Note that you should also be paying attention to your "Big 3" Antioxidants: Vitamins A, C and E. As you break down your muscles on the cellular level, you are releasing Free Radicals into your body. A, C and E will bind to the Free Rads and remove them from your body. High levels of Free Rads are connected to cancer.
  • JLeeAlton
    not a lifter.. just thought I would throw this out to you guys about the B 12

    I know a few people who really like the isotonix products. I myself will be taking the OPC starting this weekend.. but its for health reasons not weight/exercise reasons. =)

    Hope this helps you!

    OK EDIT since I didn't read the rest of the post. the Isotonix OPC is supposed to help with free radicals.

    That is what I will be taking.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    not a lifter.. just thought I would throw this out to you guys about the B 12

    I know a few people who really like the isotonix products. I myself will be taking the OPC starting this weekend.. but its for health reasons not weight/exercise reasons. =)

    OK EDIT since I didn't read the rest of the post. the Isotonix OPC is supposed to help with free radicals.

    That is what I will be taking.

    I looked this over and have to say that they do have a thorough combination of the various B vitamins with this supplement. However, the dosages are in the 1000%+ USRDA percentage area. And since it doesn't have the A, C and E (or even D), you would have to take additional supplements to... well... supplement it. I understand the reason for this... A, E and D are Fat Soluble and its possible to Overdose on them. But they could have included lower level doses in the mix.

    I'm also put off by the price. It comes out to be about 45 cents a serving. You can get a good multi that has all the same ingredients along with more Antioxidants and D as well as Calcium at about 22 cents per serving. You won't get the super high dosages... but you can add extra dosages where you want or feel you need.

    A balanced diet is one of the best ways to get your vitamin sources. I don't do dairy (lactose intolerant) and I don't do a lot of red meat. I'm not vegan or vegetarian... but I am aware that I may not be getting enough meat, eggs and milk to get my needed B-12... so I supplement it specifically.
  • JLeeAlton
    They also have a multi vitamin.

    Yea it is pricey from what I can tell but they do have a cashback plan. Not real sure on the information as I got my bottle from someone who had an extra one.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    On the subject of supplements...

    One of the things I would LOVE to see is a Supplement Store that has shelves upon shelves of base vitamins and supplements in liquid or powder form... and you are allowed to mix up your OWN Multi-Complex Supplement.

    Imagine that... you could choose however many mg or mcg of certain vitamins, minerals, caffeine, arginine, creatine, etc into a mix. They could also provide base flavors. Then mix it up, take it home and scoop out one serving, add to your water, and ingest.

    If they had this, I would make 2 multi types... one for every day supplementation and one for my lifting day (heavy on the B vitamins and other energy inducing and cell repair supplements).

    It makes sense because people's bodies, diets and needs are all different. Allowing them to customize is highly advantageous.