Calling all Women Lifters



  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    The only supplement I take is a prenatal (for just in case) and Syntha-6. I only drink the Syntha-6 on my lifting days. I know there's better whey protein out there, but I can't say they're better tasting.

    Syntha-6 is great tasting. I have gotten the chocolate peanut butter flavor tub twice. I am now in the middle of an experiment with Body Fortress (Walmart). The whey has 52 grams protein from two scoops. I mix it with almond milk. The flavors are pretty basic. So far I've had the vanilla.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    The only supplement I take is a prenatal (for just in case) and Syntha-6. I only drink the Syntha-6 on my lifting days. I know there's better whey protein out there, but I can't say they're better tasting.

    Syntha-6 is great tasting. I have gotten the chocolate peanut butter flavor tub twice. I am now in the middle of an experiment with Body Fortress (Walmart). The whey has 52 grams protein from two scoops. I mix it with almond milk. The flavors are pretty basic. So far I've had the vanilla.

    I like the amount of protein in Syntha-6... but it's made from a TON of milk protein and not all of it is isolate. Not good for my Lactose Intolerance. Also, it has Artificial Flavors and is pretty high in calories for the amount of protein. Lastly, it is pretty expensive compared to the Jarrow Formula I use (which, I should note, does not have Isolate - so it isn't a perfect match for me).

    Body Fortress has an excellent protein to calorie ratio as well as Taurine, Glutamine and Leucine... but again, Artificial Flavors and Sucralose. The price is a little bit better than Jarrow if you buy it from Walmart. But Walmart has a tendency to liquidate stuff and then stop carrying it. At $13 for a 2lb jar, I am betting they are liquidating their stock since everyone else sells it for $19. But I could be wrong.
  • seemichellerun
    I'm about to start the second set of workouts from The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Starting Monday I go back to managing my macros. I do 130g of protein, 100g of carbs, and 50g of fat. I don't use protein shakes or fat burner supplements.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm about to start the second set of workouts from The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Starting Monday I go back to managing my macros. I do 130g of protein, 100g of carbs, and 50g of fat. I don't use protein shakes or fat burner supplements.

    That is admirable. I like to track my sodium intake and to keep my cholesterol low. One serving of a protein shake per day allows me to increase my protein without the extra sodium.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I'm about to start the second set of workouts from The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Starting Monday I go back to managing my macros. I do 130g of protein, 100g of carbs, and 50g of fat. I don't use protein shakes or fat burner supplements.

    Can I ask what your calorie intake is and how you get 130g of Protein without supplements? That's gotta be a tough diet.
  • seemichellerun
    I stay within 1400 calories a day. It's really not hard to do. I eat a lot of eggs, chicken, tuna, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    Guardup, try and start from there for protein without any milk additives due yo you being lactose intolerant. That should give you a decent idea of the different types and then you can search around for something cheaper or something a vitamin store might carry. Jack 3d's main active ingredients can be gotten a lot cheaper if you buy them individually. Supplement stores generally don't have that much on display like you wished they did just because of rent for the size of the spaces they rent. It is simply more cost effective for them and you to have a central warehouse and ship it to you if you order it online. The only issue is they still charge you more than full msrp for items.

    Great to see ladies lifting :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Options is a great site. They ship pretty fast as well. My next mix will be glutamine and taurine from them; great for recovery.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Guardup, try and start from there for protein without any milk additives due yo you being lactose intolerant. That should give you a decent idea of the different types and then you can search around for something cheaper or something a vitamin store might carry.

    Thanks for this reference. I am impressed with the options and the pricing. However, it doesn't say if the flavoring is natural or artificial. Also, when I go to add vitamins & minerals, it doesn't tell me what dosages are involved. Lastly, it has me adding % of total volume for Amino Acids, etc but it doesn't convert them into grams for me. I guess that's up to me to do?

    I think that if this site went a few more steps closer to giving the buyer information, it would be an excellent fit for me.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I stay within 1400 calories a day. It's really not hard to do. I eat a lot of eggs, chicken, tuna, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.

    That must be a very rigid diet. 520 of your 1400 calories a day is in protein. That leaves less than 900 calories for fat and carbs - many of which are going to be ingested along with your protein source. That leaves almost no room for a cookie or chocolate drink or whatnot.

    You've got more discipline than me. :smile:
  • seemichellerun
    I stay within 1400 calories a day. It's really not hard to do. I eat a lot of eggs, chicken, tuna, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.

    That must be a very rigid diet. 520 of your 1400 calories a day is in protein. That leaves less than 900 calories for fat and carbs - many of which are going to be ingested along with your protein source. That leaves almost no room for a cookie or chocolate drink or whatnot.

    You've got more discipline than me. :smile:

    HA HA! This is true. But I am pretty strict about limiting my sugar. I have a tablespoon of natural peanut butter at night as a treat (also for the protein) and that seems to help with whatever sweet tooth craving I was having. Also, I have a "cheat day" once a week where I stay within my calorie limit, but I don't worry about my macros. It's on those days that get to treat myself with something like a muffin or a small bowl of ice cream.

    I'm pretty "granola" in my way of thinking and I don't buy into the whole idea that I *NEED* to supplement my diet with things like protein shakes to get results. Human beings have managed to get buff and be in great shape without them for thousands of years before they existed. There is no reason why I cannot be now. Then again my lifestyle is pretty flexible and I'm not chained to a desk 8 hours a day, so it's easier for me.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Ok... so how many of you women lifters get "that look" from the guys at the gym that is a mix of "holy crap" and "ew... she looks TOO muscular" with a dash of "wonder what she's like in bed?" :wink:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Ok... so how many of you women lifters get "that look" from the guys at the gym that is a mix of "holy crap" and "ew... she looks TOO muscular" with a dash of "wonder what she's like in bed?" :wink:

    LOL, too funny. My husband and I usually workout doing P90X at home. So, after awhile I wonder how strong I'm getting with the weights at the gym. I still have my gym membership, but mostly hit the cardio when I'm there each week. A couple of weeks ago we went on a weekend and did chest & back. I was doing the chest fly machine, repping out 200 lbs. My husband said a guy was passing by and tapped his friend to look at what I was doing. I think it was a holy crap moment.

    My body fat is still at about 24%, so I'm still working on that definition and getting it down. i'm starting to get the extra "junk" and additives out of the diet.
  • seemichellerun
    Ok... so how many of you women lifters get "that look" from the guys at the gym that is a mix of "holy crap" and "ew... she looks TOO muscular" with a dash of "wonder what she's like in bed?" :wink:

    None. I go to an all female gym. :P
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Ok... so how many of you women lifters get "that look" from the guys at the gym that is a mix of "holy crap" and "ew... she looks TOO muscular" with a dash of "wonder what she's like in bed?" :wink:

    None. I go to an all female gym. :P

    Ok... but that doesn't stop the same looks and comments. :smile:
  • aprilshowers13
    Any women out there who love to pump iron? Would love to get a thread going on your favorite sets, trouble areas, lifting supplements, preferred equipment, etc.

    Lets start with this...

    What is the most creative/challenging exercise you do?

    I do a lateral plank - where one arm and one leg is holding me up and my body is facing the wall instead of the ground. I use a pushup bar to keep my wrist from getting stressed. I put my feet up on a lifting bench to add more weight to my shoulder and challenge my core further. With my free hand I hold on to a small free weight... 5-8lbs or so. I also have 5-8lbs on my ankle weights. I lift my free/upper leg and extend my free/upper hand out straight past my head. I then do side crunches moving my upper leg's knee to my upper arm's elbow. I do 10-12 reps each side... that's one set. Usually 3-4 sets.

    Works the core, stabilizer muscles and shoulders big time.

    I've been doing the workouts from New Rules of Lifting for Women and the most challenging exercise so far is the bulgarian split squat and anything else single legged. One foot is behind on a box and your other foot is stretched out in front and you basically squat in that position. After doing a couple of sets of those with weights I have a serious case of Jello legs.

    Most days I've been able to hit my protein grams without supplementing with a shake. Its easy to do when I have fish or shrimp on the menu.
  • aprilshowers13
    Ok... so how many of you women lifters get "that look" from the guys at the gym that is a mix of "holy crap" and "ew... she looks TOO muscular" with a dash of "wonder what she's like in bed?" :wink:

    I don't think I get those looks mainly because I'm far from being muscular :tongue: I'm still holding quite a bit of fat on me.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230

    I've been doing the workouts from New Rules of Lifting for Women and the most challenging exercise so far is the bulgarian split squat and anything else single legged. One foot is behind on a box and your other foot is stretched out in front and you basically squat in that position. After doing a couple of sets of those with weights I have a serious case of Jello legs.

    Most days I've been able to hit my protein grams without supplementing with a shake. Its easy to do when I have fish or shrimp on the menu.

    I do enjoy those single leg exercises. The stabilizer muscles exhaust very quickly. Excellent for definition. I'd recommend that if you are going for muscle volume to do these at the end of your routine. Doing two legged exercises that isolate the main muscles (like hack squat machine, and other machines that don't require you to balance) will help you get the large muscles... then, BEFORE you reach exhaustion, do the single leg and balance exercises that will engage the smaller muscle groups. Do these to exhaustion.

    Warning - you may have a hard time walking out of the gym. :smile:

    I can usually hit my protein levels without supplementation on non-workout or cardio only days. However, when I do my 3 hour gym days and I have accrued a 1000 workout calorie deficit, I can't make my protein levels without eating way more food than I want to.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    By the way, I took a look online for Custom Protein Powders and found this:

    They allow you to order All Natural flavors for your protein mixes.

    They also have a pre-workout mix that uses fruit and veggie concentrates.

    I think I may have to test some of these.
  • aprilshowers13

    I do enjoy those single leg exercises. The stabilizer muscles exhaust very quickly. Excellent for definition. I'd recommend that if you are going for muscle volume to do these at the end of your routine. Doing two legged exercises that isolate the main muscles (like hack squat machine, and other machines that don't require you to balance) will help you get the large muscles... then, BEFORE you reach exhaustion, do the single leg and balance exercises that will engage the smaller muscle groups. Do these to exhaustion.

    Warning - you may have a hard time walking out of the gym. :smile:

    I can usually hit my protein levels without supplementation on non-workout or cardio only days. However, when I do my 3 hour gym days and I have accrued a 1000 workout calorie deficit, I can't make my protein levels without eating way more food than I want to.

    3 hours in the gym!:noway: Do you teach classes?