aprilschwab Member


  • That's where I am as well, at a great weight for my height, but flabby, especially the muffin top. I find that doing the same thing over and over again (like the elliptical) does not target all the areas you are wanting to tone. My favorite go-to lately is the Fitness Blender videos on You Tube....they are free, there's a…
  • If you're stuck at a plateau, or just want to be well versed on the topic I HIGHLY suggest the below read. The link to the original text is at the bottom. It made it SO easy to understand how we plateau and what to do to break it -- in terms we can actually understand! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~…
  • Working on week 5 currently.....I could barely run 60 seconds when I started and I'm set to run 2 miles on Friday for week 5 Day 3. My advice....don't be afraid to repeat weeks if you're not ready to move on, but also know that you can do more than you mentally think, so push yourself. Also...get some high-quality running…