reached my weight goal, now need to tone up!



  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member

    she doesnt want to gain mass... lifting weights wont gain you mass either btw... she would have eat more if she wanted to put on mass

    OP wants to gain lean muscle. How is she supposed to gain lean muscle without gaining mass? Are you trying to tell me that lean muscle has no mass?

    the op wants to tone up what she has... she said she has reached her goal weight now she just wants to tone things up... could mean she needs to lowers her body fat a little more of she could just want to tighten up a few areas but i doubt she wants to pack on anymore mass whether it be fat or muscle...

    Ok, I really think you are trolling at this point.

    You do not pack on muscles when you lift heavy. You cut down your BF %, i.e. you reduce your body fat and gain some muscle mass. You do not bulk up like the incredible hulk. You do not lose tons of weight if you are eating at maintenance.

    Seriously, What is it with you??

  • she doesnt want to gain mass... lifting weights wont gain you mass either btw... she would have eat more if she wanted to put on mass

    OP wants to gain lean muscle. How is she supposed to gain lean muscle without gaining mass? Are you trying to tell me that lean muscle has no mass?

    lean muscle has NEGATIVE weight, only UNLEAN muscle (wtf is that by the way?) has weight. Lol
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    the person that started this thread says she wants to tone her body which means she wants longer leaner muscles so lifting heavy 3 4 or 5 days a week is not going to get her there.

    if she was trying to lose more weight then yes lifting heavier weights along with her cardio routine would keep her from looking all saggy like most of those biggest loser contestants but that is not her goal.

    Lifting heavy got me "lean".

    no eating right and cardio got you lean... lifting heavy kept you from sagging and having excess skin

    You are assuming I do cardio. I don't do much of it at all. I also don't eat that "right". However, I have eaten at a calorie deficit.
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    Be sure to eat enough protein for your height and weight. :smile:

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member

    the person that started this thread says she wants to tone her body which means she wants longer leaner muscles so lifting heavy 3 4 or 5 days a week is not going to get her there.

    if she was trying to lose more weight then yes lifting heavier weights along with her cardio routine would keep her from looking all saggy like most of those biggest loser contestants but that is not her goal.

    Lifting heavy got me "lean".

    no eating right and cardio got you lean... lifting heavy kept you from sagging and having excess skin
    my boyfriend does not EVER do cardio. the last time he did cardio, it was a mile sprint in june 2011. he's fairly lean. somewhere around 10% body fat. and he eats complete crap all the time. the reason he's not a huge chunk of fat is because he lifts heavy 2-6 times a week, not because he runs 20 miles a week with me.
  • radeema
    radeema Posts: 161 Member
    look into a class like bodypump at your gym... classes like that are great for toning... after you get adjusted to it try taking it 3 days a week.

    lots of lean proteins and fibrous carbs will burn the fat away from the trouble areas

    that's a cardio workout primarily and won't do much for building muscle.

    bodypump isnt cardio it is a lifting class that focuses on light weight with lots of reps... the class is an hour long and you target every part of your body chest biceps triceps back and legs... it is a very good workout i highly recommend it.

    light weights and lots of reps = cardio. sorry.
    I've been doing body pump for 5 months now and have toned considerably. my body fat percentage has reduced by 4% and the difference is very visible. My arms almost have the "cuts", solely through body pump. so it is cardio, but primarily it is a lifting class
  • look into a class like bodypump at your gym... classes like that are great for toning... after you get adjusted to it try taking it 3 days a week.

    lots of lean proteins and fibrous carbs will burn the fat away from the trouble areas

    that's a cardio workout primarily and won't do much for building muscle.

    bodypump isnt cardio it is a lifting class that focuses on light weight with lots of reps... the class is an hour long and you target every part of your body chest biceps triceps back and legs... it is a very good workout i highly recommend it.

    light weights and lots of reps = cardio. sorry.
    I've been doing body pump for 5 months now and have toned considerably. my body fat percentage has reduced by 4% and the difference is very visible. My arms almost have the "cuts", solely through body pump. so it is cardio, but primarily it is a lifting class

    Great job. You will lose fat from doing cardio; that isn't being disputed but the reality is that it's still cardiovascular in nature.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    Ok, I really think you are trolling at this point.

    You do not pack on muscles when you lift heavy. You cut down your BF %, i.e. you reduce your body fat and gain some muscle mass. You do not bulk up like the incredible hulk. You do not lose tons of weight if you are eating at maintenance.

    Seriously, What is it with you??

    stop with all the fitness myths... lifting weights does not cut your body fat... weight lifting and cardio burn calories. if you want to cut your body fat it starts in your kitchen, you are not going to get there with a magic wand miracle pill or spending hours in the gym.

    you can not reduce fat and gain muscle at the same time.

    no matter what the infomercials tell you.

    in order for you to lose weight you need a calorie deficit. plain and simple; also just because you lose weight doesnt mean you are losing fat.

    proper weight loss begins and ends with your diet.

    we can argue any other point you want about which training method is better but the facts are the facts are when it comes to losing weight or gaining weight it all starts in your kitchen. leans proteins, and fibrous carbs are a good base.
  • aprilschwab
    aprilschwab Posts: 3 Member
    That's where I am as well, at a great weight for my height, but flabby, especially the muffin top. I find that doing the same thing over and over again (like the elliptical) does not target all the areas you are wanting to tone. My favorite go-to lately is the Fitness Blender videos on You Tube....they are free, there's a huge variety, they are 17-25 minutes each, you can choose which body part(s) you want to target and best of all.....Not only do you burn a nice amount of calories doing them, you continue to burn calories for 24-48 hours afterward. I hope that helps.
  • Ok, I really think you are trolling at this point.

    You do not pack on muscles when you lift heavy. You cut down your BF %, i.e. you reduce your body fat and gain some muscle mass. You do not bulk up like the incredible hulk. You do not lose tons of weight if you are eating at maintenance.

    Seriously, What is it with you??

    stop with all the fitness myths... lifting weights does not cut your body fat... weight lifting and cardio burn calories. if you want to cut your body fat it starts in your kitchen, you are not going to get there with a magic wand miracle pill or spending hours in the gym.

    you can not reduce fat and gain muscle at the same time.

    no matter what the infomercials tell you.

    in order for you to lose weight you need a calorie deficit. plain and simple; also just because you lose weight doesnt mean you are losing fat.

    proper weight loss begins and ends with your diet.

    we can argue any other point you want about which training method is better but the facts are the facts are when it comes to losing weight or gaining weight it all starts in your kitchen. leans proteins, and fibrous carbs are a good base.

    and your "facts" are lies. walk away now. try to save face.
  • jojeh2011
    jojeh2011 Posts: 46 Member
    wow, thanks guys! some clarifications...
    - my primary objective is to tone up. in the most flat out terms: i want a flatter tummy, and less jiggly legs and arms.
    - i dont want to "bulk up" or "gain weight". i understand that building lean muscle may mean some weight gain, but that is not my primary objective. rather, i want to maintain my weight more or less, but lose some of the fat resulting in leaner looking legs, arms, stomach, etc...
    - i love a good video or blog as a workout resource, so please let me know what you use to get it right and tight!!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    wow, thanks guys! some clarifications...
    - my primary objective is to tone up. in the most flat out terms: i want a flatter tummy, and less jiggly legs and arms.
    - i dont want to "bulk up" or "gain weight". i understand that building lean muscle may mean some weight gain, but that is not my primary objective. rather, i want to maintain my weight more or less, but lose some of the fat resulting in leaner looking legs, arms, stomach, etc...
    - i love a good video or blog as a workout resource, so please let me know what you use to get it right and tight!!

    Lift heavy weights to maintain muscle. Continue to eat at a small calorie deficit to lose fat. Cardio assists in the creation of a calorie deficit.
  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    so... I've lost about 42 pounds and am at a perfect weight for me. i've been in maintenance mode for about 3 months now, and my new milestone is toning up my abs and legs. i lost weight by doing probably 80% cardio, so I'm really at a loss when it comes to understanding how to strength train. in addition, I have less time to work out these days -- about 30 min each day. currently, i spend all 30 minutes on the elliptical, but am wondering whether i should change it up to build lean muscle. should I do 15 minutes cardio, 15 strength training? more? less?

    First off, congrats on you weight loss.

    Now what you don't want to hear... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TONING. Most people say they want to "tone" when they really want to reveal the muscles they have. This is commonly known as fat loss.

    The second thing that you don't want to hear is YOU CAN"T REDUCE FAT IN CERTAIN PLACES.

    Now I certainly understand your time constraints. I would suggest focusing on a strength training program 3 days per week and low intensity cardio (such as walking on a treadmill) while eating at about 20% above maintenance (since you want to gain muscle). I hear a lot of women mention New Rules of Lifting for Women (NROLFW). Eating QUALITY calories above maintenance and a solid strength training program will help you to build muscle.
  • wow, thanks guys! some clarifications...
    - my primary objective is to tone up. in the most flat out terms: i want a flatter tummy, and less jiggly legs and arms.
    - i dont want to "bulk up" or "gain weight". i understand that building lean muscle may mean some weight gain, but that is not my primary objective. rather, i want to maintain my weight more or less, but lose some of the fat resulting in leaner looking legs, arms, stomach, etc...
    - i love a good video or blog as a workout resource, so please let me know what you use to get it right and tight!!

    Maybe try pilates. I think many women have that fear and you'll see a weight gain with weights (water weight). Granted you'll look LOADS BETTER but mentally most women can't take it.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member

    the person that started this thread says she wants to tone her body which means she wants longer leaner muscles so lifting heavy 3 4 or 5 days a week is not going to get her there.

    if she was trying to lose more weight then yes lifting heavier weights along with her cardio routine would keep her from looking all saggy like most of those biggest loser contestants but that is not her goal.

    Lifting heavy got me "lean".

    no eating right and cardio got you lean... lifting heavy kept you from sagging and having excess skin
    my boyfriend does not EVER do cardio. the last time he did cardio, it was a mile sprint in june 2011. he's fairly lean. somewhere around 10% body fat. and he eats complete crap all the time. the reason he's not a huge chunk of fat is because he lifts heavy 2-6 times a week, not because he runs 20 miles a week with me.

    hey your boyfriend is on of those people who were blessed with good genes to be able to eat whatever they want whenever they want and still stay fit... doesnt work like that for all of us...
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    and your "facts" are lies. walk away now. try to save face.

    lol... no lies here ma'am but believe what you want... at the end of the day it should be based on whatever works for YOU you can seek advice from millions of people but you still have to find the things that work for you your body type and your lifestyle
  • [quote
    and your "facts" are lies. walk away now. try to save face.

    lol... no lies here ma'am but believe what you want... at the end of the day it should be based on whatever works for YOU you can seek advice from millions of people but you still have to find the things that work for you your body type and your lifestyle

    Well, I mean I've done pretty damn well so far so I'll believe what I believe. I suggest you read up on physiology.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    wow, thanks guys! some clarifications...
    - my primary objective is to tone up. in the most flat out terms: i want a flatter tummy, and less jiggly legs and arms.
    - i dont want to "bulk up" or "gain weight". i understand that building lean muscle may mean some weight gain, but that is not my primary objective. rather, i want to maintain my weight more or less, but lose some of the fat resulting in leaner looking legs, arms, stomach, etc...
    - i love a good video or blog as a workout resource, so please let me know what you use to get it right and tight!!

    The best way to do this is to resistance train while eating at a small deficit. You will not 'bulk', You may gain a couple of pounds of water weight and possibly 1 -2 lb of 'newbie lifter gains' over a few months but the benefits in body composition far outweigh this imo. Plus, you will lose some fat so it should even itself out anyway.

    I lift heavy arsed weights and am currently eating at a deficit. I have not 'bulked' up as far as I am concerned - what has happened is that I have got smaller and have less 'jiggle'.

    Women only 'bulk' if the train extremely intensively, eat at a large surplus and/or take steroids. The other way women can look 'bulky' in the sense of being larger is to have the extra couple of pounds I noted in my first paragraph, without the fat loss.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member

    the person that started this thread says she wants to tone her body which means she wants longer leaner muscles so lifting heavy 3 4 or 5 days a week is not going to get her there.

    if she was trying to lose more weight then yes lifting heavier weights along with her cardio routine would keep her from looking all saggy like most of those biggest loser contestants but that is not her goal.

    Lifting heavy got me "lean".

    no eating right and cardio got you lean... lifting heavy kept you from sagging and having excess skin
    my boyfriend does not EVER do cardio. the last time he did cardio, it was a mile sprint in june 2011. he's fairly lean. somewhere around 10% body fat. and he eats complete crap all the time. the reason he's not a huge chunk of fat is because he lifts heavy 2-6 times a week, not because he runs 20 miles a week with me.

    hey your boyfriend is on of those people who were blessed with good genes to be able to eat whatever they want whenever they want and still stay fit... doesnt work like that for all of us...
    or because he spends so much time in the gym lifting weights and eating at a caloric surplus, so he's built a lot of muscle that burns more calories and fat.
    personally, i'm a lot leaner at this weight because i'm lifting heavy compounds lifts a few times a week and running, versus when i was on the elliptical, spinning, dancing, and using the weight machines inconsistently the last time i was at this weight.
    the change in the type of cardio is probably not the reason i'm leaner. more likely, it's the fact that i'm losing weight but maintaining more of my muscle mass because i'm doing heavy compound lifts instead of working just my biceps or just my quads. believe it or not, lifting weights also burns calories. the more muscles you get involved, the more calories you'll burn.