

  • On the days that I exercise hard, I ALWAYS eat more. i find that if I don't, I may lose for a while and then it comes to a screeching halt. Also, I don't have enough energy to get through my day and I don't feel well. You don't want it too come off too fast, because your body will react in unpleasant ways. I know this! I…
  • I am currently training for a triathlon and considering doing a half in October. I have done 3 and this October one has become my tradition. one thing you will want to watch for as you choose your half is that many of them have a time limit and may kick you off the course if you can't complete within the allotted time. But…
  • I've noticed that when I don't get enough sleep, it adversely effects my weight loss. The way I battle it is to take a nap. A long nap. I had the same kind of job as you (years ago) and I found this helpful. When I say nap, by the way, I mean an hour or two. You need to make up for what you have lost. Try it, see if it…