Are you training for a half marathon?

I'm planning on doing one in September and am somewhat unorganized about my training. I googled a bunch and just still am not really sure. I was hoping to hear some feedback from you guys on what you are doing. So far, I'm just trying to get my walk/run workouts in, about 4 a week or so, and trying to up the distance each time and figure out a good pace. I'm hoping to be able to do this half marathon in about 3.5 hours.

So, what are you guys doing? :-)


  • roballesteros
    bump - I'm doing one in Jan.
  • katrinabergman
    I am currently training for a triathlon and considering doing a half in October. I have done 3 and this October one has become my tradition. one thing you will want to watch for as you choose your half is that many of them have a time limit and may kick you off the course if you can't complete within the allotted time. But this time limit is usually well noted in the webpage if you look for it. I mention this because it is often between 3 and 4 hours. If you are in the Minneapolis area, you might want to consider the Monster Dash. It's later than you are planning on, but it is a great run with a fantastic medal and gear for running, as well as lots of crazy people running in outlandish costumes. It is always the Saturday closest to Halloween. I wish you lots of luck, it will be a great accomplishment for you!
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Thanks Kat! I actually have one picked out in my hometown. I haven't seen a time limit listed, but thanks for letting me know about that! I will definately make sure I get the skinny on that! I'm hoping that I can make the 3.5 hour goal I've set for myself and won't have to worry about running out of time. Way to go on all your accomplishments! Thats awesome!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Doing 15K training and then going to just try to work on speed workouts and long runs for a month before I go for the half. Hal Higdon training plans are pretty good. I prefer to modify them a bit though because there seems to be a big gap between his beginner and intermediate plans.
  • MissAshley6
    MissAshley6 Posts: 3 Member
    I just completed my first half with about 2 months of training. Start with 15 mile per week, with one long run and rest day. Each week add more miles and you will naturally be able to handle the distance. Make sure you rest one day and add in cross-trianing (biking, swimming, etc.) Good luck and it is truly an amazing experience!
  • mbroeckelmanpost
    mbroeckelmanpost Posts: 44 Member
    Google "Hal Higdon beginner half-marathon"-- his training plans are great! He also has intermediate and advanced plans, but you should start with the beginner plan. Good luck with your race! I'm also training for several half marathons-- one in August, one in October, and one in January (assuming I can stay injury-free through that entire time).
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your help and suggestions!
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    First - WOOHOO for deciding to do it! :happy:

    Second, in addition to Hal, you might find some good information in the Jeff Galloway run-walk-run method.

    Go get 'em!