mjboswell Member


  • tagging for the advice on stalls!
  • I'm interested. Although if you look at my activity for the las 3 weeks you won't see anything. Don't hold that against me, please. I was in CA to run a tough mudder in Tahoe and spend time with my family. I am back at it today, although my food diary is a hot mess. Man starting back after 3 weeks is hard!
  • I'm 5'2" 133.4 right now. I started at 140. I do SL 5*5 MWF and run 3 miles on TTH. I figured out my TDEE and then subtracted 20%. Then I set my macros and I try to stay within those numbers. I average about a pound a week since starting the above routine. I was also around 100-110 pounds until my 30s. I don't care what…
  • Thanks Sara. I'm glad I read your post before hitting the gym today. I guess I will stick with SL for now then. It's just getting really difficult to keep going up by 5lbs and I think my form is starting to suffer slightly. I guess I will deload, focus on form, and start moving up again. So should I try AllPro when I…
  • Thanks everyone. I guess I need to go buy 2 pair of shoes. My old running shoes are shot, the rubber on the sole is coming off. I have been running for over a month, I am at 3 miles. My goal with running is to be able to comfortably run 5 miles, that's as far as I care to run. The running is just for the cardiovascular…
  • My husband has always bought things for me to wear. Of course they are the types of things only he sees so I have no problem wearing them for him. Now if he were trying to pick out my everyday clothes I'd probably have to tell him no.
  • We each have our own account then a joint account for bills. We each contribute a set amount to the joint account for bills and other expenses. The rest goes into our personal accounts. This has worked for us for years.
  • Forensic nursing. It combines my two loves, nursing and crime investigation.
  • We are pretty similar. I'm 37 with 3 boys and 2 girls. They are 19, 13, 9, 8, and 7. I joined in 2011 but just started nack at it a month ago. My diary is open and anyone can feel free to add me.
  • You can add me. I log every day and I try to hit my macros.
  • I do go to parallel. I guess I never thought about actively trying to squeeze my glutes. Usually I'm just focused on getting back up. lol I go back to the gym tomorrow and will try to really focus on using my glutes to get back up. Thanks.
  • I worked with a personal trainer for 6 weeks and loved it. When I started I could run 1/2 a mile and at the end of my 6 weeks I could run 5 miles. Now I am training on my own and really miss having him there. He was able to make me push myself harder than I thought I could. It is easier to slack a little while training…
  • The 1450 is with exercise. I know that may sound a little light so let me explain. I weigh and measure my foods and I am aware that using the measuring cups, spoons, etc can be inaccurate. Also when I cook my meat I pan sear it in a table spoon of olive oil and I do not log that. So I try to get at least 120 grams in…
  • My problem is that I'm not use to eating this much meat/protein. I obviously don't have a problem eating a lot of calories but since I have switched from pints of ice cream and fast food to better food choices I feel full almost all the time. I find myself eating when I am not hungry just so I can make my protein goal. I…
  • I'm doing a TM in July at Lake Tahoe. My sister talked me into it after she ran one last September. I am so excited. My 13 y/o is counting down the time until he can run it with us.
  • I have not done any research to the amount of water your body actually needs. However I do know that water is a by product of chemical reactions in your body, of course not enough to supply the needs of your body which is why we have to drink water, and we get water from the foods we eat. With that said I don't "try" to…
  • I'm 5'2" and currently 136. I don't care what my weight is, I just want my BF% to be 19%. Honestly I eat however many calories I want to that day. With that said I try to make sure I get my protein in, if I'm still hungry I eat more. I like to eat when I'm hungry and eat until I'm full. Also I don't like to eat when I'm…
  • I'm not losing mine either. Genetics must play a role in the shape and size of breasts. It doesn't matter if I gain or lose weight, and my weight has fluctuated between 100lbs to 140lbs. They stay in a D cup, the only thing that changes is the band size. As a matter of fact the girls look like they did in high school, now…
  • Thank you. I will try adjusting my feet width and watch my turn out, as soon as I am able to get back in the gym. I am so annoyed right now, I broke my toe yesterday. I was walking to the kitchen and ran my foot into my husband's boot and I knew immediately that I broke the toe.My toe is so painful and I can't get a shoe…
  • Ok so I lifted today. I went back to just the bar on the squats because I did so poorly last time I did them. I know my form must be off because I have some actual pain in my groin. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it is seriously begining to irritate me. I need to find someone who can watch me and tell me what I need…
  • I don't know why I didn't realize they have different requirements in different states. I'm currently in Texas but have plans to sit for the NCLEX in CA. I suppose I better check CA's requirements. Luckily I have a relationship with a hospital I worked in and feel confident I could work there and work my way into their…
  • No nurses here?
  • RIght now I workout whenever I want because my husband has flexible hours and I'm not working or in school. However last year he was out of the state, I was a fulltime student, and worked 32 hours a week. Oh yeah I have 5 kids and they were, at that time, 16, 10, 6, 5, and 4. So I had to drag my butt up and out the door by…
    in Moms... Comment by mjboswell August 2012
  • Ok so I started stronglifts Monday but my legs were too sore to lift Wednesday. I went to the gym yesterday and it did not go as well as I had hoped. I did add the 5lbs to my squats but I was not able to get to level, my legs were still too sore. The deadlifts went well but then I got to the OHP. I had no idea I was so…
  • Well I was suppose to do my second workout today but didn't. My thighs are still sore to the point it hurts to sit down on a chair. I am so out of shape. I do feel better today than I did yesterday so I will do today's workout tomorrow. So that means I will be in the gym Saturday but at least I will get 3 workouts in this…
  • Thanks everyone. Right now I am at the point where I feel the soreness when I go to sit down on something low. I am going to do some treadmill time this evening, then I will take that bath. Hopefully by workout time tomorrow it will not be as uncomfortable. I will do my squats tomorrow, unless my form is off and I am…