

  • First of all, congratulations for losing 34 pounds! that is awesome!! Second, you might not be eating enough. Even though it's great to stay under your calories, your metabolism will slow down if it doesn't have fuel to burn. While I'm no expert, I have heard from a lot of people that eating is important. Good luck with…
  • Hi Marybeth!! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! This is an exciting time for you and your finance'. I'm a newbie too; only been here for about a month. The best thing I love about MFP is that you are held accountable for everything you eat. As long as you log what you eat, and the exercise you do, you'll have…
  • I'm new too! I've only been here for about 2 weeks. I think this is a great website, and I'm so grateful for my co-worker for sharing it with me. I truly beleive that we can have success in numbers. I also have about 50 lbs. to lose. I know it's going to be a long journey but it doesn't have to be a lonely one! Feel free…
  • Hi Kat! I have about 50 lbs. to lose. Sadly, I lost 34 lbs about 4 years ago, and put it all back on. I'm serious now about getting this weight off. You should be proud that you only put back on a couple of pounds! I commend you!! A friend introduced me to this site, and I'm loving it so far. You can friend me if you would…