Tired of being the fat girl lol

Hi everyone!! I'm Marybeth and a newbie. Just joined this morning. Im ready to start a brand new life style. My main motivations at the moment is my wedding in less then seven months. I would love to loose what I can by then but not stop there. I need all the support I can get so feel free to add me if you have any words of encouragment for the new kid on the block! lol Have a great day and the best of luck to you all in reaching your goals :-)


  • hello!
    iv been here for a week and would love to have a new friend.
  • chattyKathi
    chattyKathi Posts: 34 Member
    welcome! I know how you feel, I've been "the fat girl" a good share of my life. I thought at one point, this is just how I am supposed to be. Then with some encouragement from friends I realized nope! I'm sending you a friend request!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I know how you feel my Wedding is in March 2012 so I don't have much time either. Good luck and stay focused
  • Hi Marybeth! Well, you could add me as a friend and I will try to help as that is my goal as well. We can start this journey together and maybe success will come easier. Good Luck! :happy: :happy:
  • deboney
    deboney Posts: 5
    Hi Marybeth!!
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! This is an exciting time for you and your finance'. I'm a newbie too; only been here for about a month.
    The best thing I love about MFP is that you are held accountable for everything you eat. As long as you log what you eat, and the exercise you do, you'll have great success. Don't ever give up. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. We all could use some friends for motivation. We are all here trying to reach the same goal..to be healthier (and skinnier!!)

  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Welcome and good luck! Just think, with ideal conditions and some strong commitment you could be down 60-70lbs in 7 months!
  • Hi Marybeth!
    Add me as a friend and I can give you some tips if you'd like.
    The most important thing is eating regularly (5-6 meals a day) to speed up metabolism & exercising (500 calories burnt per day is 1 lbs of fat per week).
    Stay focus, never loose sight of you good.
    Congrats on the wedding and Good luck!
  • Kitty412
    Kitty412 Posts: 152
    Welcome and Good Luck!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you need a friend.
  • Welcome and congratulations on your up and coming wedding. A friend request is on it's way. Good luck! We are all here for you.
  • Hi Marybeth! My name is Diamond and I would like to be your friend. It's so helpful to have good people around you to push you and in return encourage them. I would like you to consider joining the Team Endeavor message board. It's a very energetic bunch and very supportive. I am doing Turbo Jam (beachbody) and so far I have lost 12lbs. I'm in my 3rd week . We have others doing p90X, turbo fire, Insanity, and other programs.

  • bbwceo1019
    bbwceo1019 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello! I am tired of being the fat girl as well! I am trying to loose 90lbs & have last 15 so far. I have been using the website for several weeks now & it is a tremedous help. Even when I indulge I list the food, because it makes me feel accountable to someone for what I eat. It has also really shown me what calories are in somethings & rethink my daily habits. My outside support system is not giving me enough encouragement so I am here to try & find friends who will help me & give me the pat on the back I so desire & to return the support. Congrats on the wedding - don't stress out too much!
  • gingerninja22
    gingerninja22 Posts: 54 Member
    hello :) ive just started too :)
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome aboard. Feel free to add me for support if you would like.
  • welcome :D feel free too add me!
  • Welcome, I too joined this morning, and I too am tired of meing the fat girl! Oh, how I hate to be the biggest one in the room, so I can relate.

    I'm going to friend you and hopefully watch you transform yourself into the woman you want to be!
  • Welcome!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Me too, I have been a "fatty" for about 10 years now. Victory for today, got on treadmill, survived weekend away from home with only water wt. gain. Ready to bust through my personal pitty party!
    TIme for a shake and LOTS of H2O!!
  • maygs
    maygs Posts: 63 Member
    I feel the same way. I hate being the fat girl, especially when my family is pretty fit and my hubby is way thinner than me. I know how you feel and in my case I don't get the support that I need. It feels great when someone encourages you when you lost some weight or when you worked out. In my real life I tell my 'friends' and instead of them being proud or whatever they are always trying to 'one-up' me. So this is a great place to find friends that will encourage you because they WANT you to win just as much as you WANT to win.