blondie_182_182 Member


  • I love this thread! Hubby and I are currently TTC, but I know that being overweight doesn't help our chances. So I'm working on eating healthy, exercising, and losing weight so that I can have a healthy pregnancy when we do get blessed with a little one. Feel free to add me :) It's so nice to have others who understand…
  • Gardein Chicken Scallopini (because I can do pretty much anything with it) Broccoli Eggs Plain Greek Yogurt Cottage Cheese Cheese Bananas Oranges Strawberries Whole Grain Bread String Cheese Cucumber Carrots Celery Sweet Potatoes Almond Milk Hummus Dry Roasted Edamame Broccoli Slaw Spinach Brown Rice Tofu Vegan Turkey…
  • I ate anything and everything that I wanted. If I wanted pizza, I ate pizza. If I wanted chips and dip, I ate chips and dip - sometimes the whole jar of dip in one sitting! If I wanted Chinese, I ate Chinese. I always had a cabinet full of junk food - chips, candy, cookies, etc. I used to sit and dip oreos in peanut butter…
  • I have two that come to my mind. My ex-boyfriend's mother couldn't cook to save her life. She made pancakes for dinner one night that I was at their house. I was cautious, but how can you mess up pancakes? They were awful. No flavor, chewy, and fried in vegetable oil. Who fries pancakes? I might as well have drank the…
  • That's awesome! I am almost done with stage 3 and I LOVE it! I don't follow his meal plans, but I do follow his calorie and macro guidelines. It's a great program. Feel free to add me for more support!
  • I eat clean most of the time (sometimes I have to have my cheese pizza!) and have been vegetarian or vegan for the last 9 years. I can tell you that it is so difficult to find cleaning or personal care products that are natural all the time, but I do my best. I try to avoid products that have been tested on animals, but…
  • You need to eat more. Eating some veggies and toast with nut butter is not going to cut it. You need more variety to get nutrients. Also, you need to get more protein. There are plenty of alternatives to meat that are yummy. Learn how to cook tofu - it's cheap, it has lots of protein, and it can be used in many different…
  • I have been a binge eater high school and there have been some pretty bad binges over the years. The worst that I can remember is eating an entire large cheese pizza, an order of breadsticks, and a box of little debbie brownies just for breakfast. For lunch, I went to Burger King for an order of onion rings, french fries,…
  • Contrary to popular belief, you will not get big and bulky from lifting weights as a woman. Women who body build have to work very hard to get that way. As far as training, I am still pretty new to lifting, so I can't help much there. I can tell you that I am doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women and I love it. I am…
  • We spend about $100 a week. I am vegetarian, my hubby isn't, so we have a weird list sometimes. Our typical grocery list looks something like this: Chicken Breast Sliced turkey (good stuff from the local butcher shop) Tofurky Garden burgers Eggs (a LOT of them) Whey Protein Powder Bread Cheese (usually swiss for me and…
  • Thanks guys. I am going to go for it. My overall goal is to be fit, happy, and healthy. I am not looking to be a body builder, just to have some definition and overall strength. Plus, I love my running.
  • Crap, marathon, not marathong. I don't even know what the heck that is.
  • Water. I drink a ridiculous amout every day. I really love iced unsweetened green tea as well. Sometimes I add Stevia to change things up.
  • I think it all depends on where you go. My Planet Fitness is very laid back, the staff members are polite, and they have never stopped me from doing any heavy lifting. It's also very clean. The only issue I have with PF is mine doesn't have a squat rack, so I am making do with dumbbells right now. For $20 a month, I can't…
  • Planet Fitness...I know that a lot of people dislike it and I think the whole lunk thing is ridiculous, but mine is pretty laid back about it. It's affordable (unlike many of the gyms in my area), it's open 24 hours which works for my 4 am workouts, and it's 5 minutes from home. Other gyms in the area that are open 24…
  • Almond milk tastes better IMHO. I drank soy for years and never got quite use to the taste. Something was always off for me. I switched to almond milk about a year ago and never looked back.
  • Nobody in my area carries it either. I ordered mine on Amazon.
  • I'm not gonna lie, I used this excuse last week. But, I also worked five 17 hour days back to back. I was so tired that there was no dragging myself out of bed in the morning at 4 am to hit the gym. I wanted the extra sleep. But you better believe I have been to the gym every day this week and have busted my butt to make…
  • 6 days a week. I lift three days and do cardio three days. I just added some HIIT interval training in place of some of the cardio.
  • About a gallon, which I know is alot! I don't drink any other beverages though besides one cup of coffee in the morning and the occasional beer (or two) :) I just really like water.
  • I am going to have to check some of these out.
  • Annie's Lite Goddess Dressing...I am addicted to it.
  • Your exercise is similar to mine. I do 3 days of cardio (usually running) and 3 days of lifting. I am doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women program. I love it so far! I have heard great things about Stronglifts also. I don't think you can go wrong with either. I do compound lifts as well because I don't have two hours…
  • Lately I have been loving mixing greek yogurt with peaches (I use frozen and thaw them in the microwave) with a bit of stevia and cinnamon. So good!
  • Prenatal Vitamin (preparing my body for pregnancy when the hubby and I start trying in a few months) C4 - Pre-workout supp Whey Protein powder
  • You are incredible! What a great and inspiring story. Keep up the good work.
  • 1. Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate 2. Favorite pop tart? I don't eat pop-tarts because of the gelatin. Before I went veggie, I loved Strawberry ones. 3. Favorite chips? Grippo's BBQ....I can't stop eating them! 4. Favorite snack cracker? Wheat Thins 5. Favorite chocolate candy? York Peppermint Patties or Chocolate…
  • I am still really new to weight lifting, so I can't be too much help. I can tell you that you need to be working your triceps and 5 lb. weights won't do what you need to tone the jiggly arm fat up. You also need to doing more than just the lat pull down. If you are interested in lifting, I am doing the New Rules of Lifting…
  • It's definitely normal here. We were voted the fattest city in America a couple of years ago by Men's Health. It's not suprising to me. We have a street festival that is second in size to Mardi Gras and you can get virtually anything you want deep fried.