

  • i don't know what your gym is like, but at my gym at uni people will sit in front of the mirror for like half an hour, i know i can easily be in a shower cubical for like 20mins, and our showers are power showers so most people i know who have a gym membership will shower at the gym rather than at their halls. i *hated*…
  • Plan them into your calorie allowance. Plan a tiny indulgence in. Think right i will set aside 100calories for junk food at work - have an idea of what amount of calories are in what food, so it might be you have have 1/2 donut, or a 1"cube of brownie, and enjoy it. If no-one brings anything in? well, you have a 100…
  • I'm sometimes over!! The way i do it is base my meals around a protein source. Adding carbs and veg to a meal is EASY. Adding protein is not. I try to have protein in every meal, and I NEVER count cheese as a protein source (too high fat:protein ratio). Decide to have tofu, or lentils, or beans, or chick peas, or quorn…
  • Beans, lentils, chick peas, nuts! I didn't like them when i became vegetarian at 14, but now i LOVE them. in the UK we get loads of 'meat alternatives' like mince meat but made out of soy protein, and Quorn which is also soy protein, that can be made to look like (and sorta taste like) sausages, or fillets of chicken etc.…
  • My hang-up is having a fat tummy. I'm pretty slim, but my tummy hangs out, which i think is normal, but that's the first and almost only place i put on weight (other women put it on on bums and legs, i gain on tummy), i know eating expands your stomach, so there's part of me that wants to eat 6 small meals a day so my…
  • I ignore the sugar section of the MFP calories because having even about 3 portion of fruit a day can push me over, and i know fruit is healthy and yes it's sweet, but better to eating sweet fruit when i want sugar than chocolate, it's natures treats :P 2.5 weeks isn't that long, so i wouldn't worry yet. also, if you're…
  • It could be the caffeine that you're getting withdrawals from and craving! If you like tea/coffee try drinking them instead (or learn to like them!)
  • It depends on what you're aiming for. Your body needs all sorts of food groups - fats, carbohydrates, protein, and yes, fruit and veggies. You need all of them for your body to fully function. Your body better processes fats from things like nuts rather than animal fats. You also only need small quantities of things like…
  • I had a friend who lost a huge amount of weight, she was underweight and would run about 10k every night. She stopped getting periods. They came occasionally but usually only when she was around one of her friends (often me!) who was on her period. Do see a doctor again to tell them how concerned you are, but lack of…