lwoodtri Member


  • HRM's generally use algorithms based on age, weight etc, and can have a margin of error if you are, for example, been working out for quite some time, etc I have always found it better for me to establish those HRM zones from doing a HRM setting session every few months, since as fitness increases, the zones for max…
  • Its hard to beat a Polar, I have used them for the past 8 years . . had one Timex but went back to the Polar!
  • Peanut butter itself is ok for ya, (although some studies of peanuts show otherwise) but there are many others out there . . Almonds and cashews I prefer over regular peanuts! Just note that nuts as a whole are calorie dense and you do not need to eat much! Whole "PayCheck" Foods, also has a machine to make "butter" out of…
  • My RHR, is about 50+ these days, would like to get it back to under 40! Just starting a program to be in racing (cycling) shape by spring!! :)
  • I really like Electronica and trance while I am running, something with a nice drum!
  • Hey there . . I train and race in Orlando :)! You can google 1/2 Marathon training plans and find a ton of them out there. Best things is to find one to use a guide, and then base your workouts off it. Some other good sites are Runners World, Beginnertriathlete.com, and search training Peaks, they usually have a bunch of…