

  • Hi Kedra, Im Marie. I am in college also. (Late bloomer). lol. My biggest challenge is finding time to exercise while Im going to school. I started myself on a routine during the summer, so when school is in again, I am prepared to continue burning calories. I love the calorie counter on this site. If you can not log on…
  • Good advise. I did the same thing. The first two months I think I might have gained a pound. :) I did not step on a scale at all after the breakdown I had. I still do not own a scale. Almost 4 months in and lots of calorie counting, Im 10 pounds lighter. Big deal, yes it is. I am running now and feel much better. It is…
  • Welcome back. Feel free to add me also.
  • I know you dont want to hear this, but its the exercise. I was having the same problem. Once I stepped the exercise up I started to see results. Im not a fan of the gym. I started out walking, now Im running. I have an exercise ball and I also try to fit in sit ups or crunches and lunges when I walk. I am now back in what…
  • Saying Hello Just signed up 4 days ago.
    in Hello Comment by mariek September 2008
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