

  • Thanks! I absolutely love this site and I believe that with the help of this site, and my determination I will achieve my goals!!! I think 50lbs in 7 months is attainable as well....are you going on a vacation also??? I can't wait to feel comfortable in a bikini again....... cheers..here's to our goals!!!
  • A healthier alternative to having the pasta (be it whole wheat or regular). I always have spaghetti squash!!! You can eat a full plate, be full and not even come close to the calories or carbs you would have had you eaten regular pasta noodles!!! It's very simple to make, cut the squash length wise, sccop out the seeds,…
  • I think what might have helped me in the 12 lbs is the water pills that my doctor put me on ( not weight related)....I would imagine they had at least 6lbs worth of help..lol ..I also find myself not using the full amount of Calories within a day...and trust me I don't believe in starving myself, but I'm just not…
  • Hi, I just started monitoring everything that I eat and do in a day, and I was AMAZED at what I was eating..thinking it was a healthy choice....that is until I started with MFP two weeks ago....this site is a GOD send....now I can track better and make better choices.....I've lost 12 pounds in two weeks, and that is just…