

  • I am a huge chocoholic so I know this feeling! I freeze high quality dark chocolate bars, and break off one square at a time...they are cold so it takes a long time to get through it if you enjoy it. Also, I make a chocobanana smoothie with 1 cup almond milk, 1 banana, 1 tsp dark cocoa powder and 1 tbls natural peanut…
  • Non GMO isnt that hard to find, sometimes its right there on the shelf you just have to read the label. For example, some soymilk is (Silk) non GMO and the one right next to it isn't (Walmart or store brands generally). Every little bit helps, so just find what you can already in your store! Good luck!
  • Congratulations! All your hard work is paying off...keep it up!
  • I think we all have trigger times where we want to throw are hard work down the tubes and eat everything in sight. Just remember, progress not perfection. Don't let your disappointment about your weekend stop you from starting today fresh. Everyday you have the chance to wake up and start new!