rydogg707 Member


  • That is a good idea, some incentive to get myself going, and once I reach that mini-milestone reward myself. I hadn't really considered doing something like that before. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to ponder on that some more. I do agree with you, the phone app is a really good thing as it can hold me accountable for my…
  • That has also failed since I can sleep-stumble over turn it off and go right back to bed, even though my bedroom is 14 feet long! Maybe I should put it in the other side of my house, or in my office (on my computer, speakers blaring) so I have to walk around to turn it off.... I might try that. Thanks!
  • Sweetiebelle is right, the 6 small meals a day has worked for me in the past. You want to be eating (small portions) about every 3 hours or so. I used some protein shakes and carrots or celery for my breakfast and lunch snacks, and then my dinner snack was a portion of low fat cottage cheese and some carrots or celery. You…
    in Newcomer! Comment by rydogg707 July 2011
  • Good Morning Bo, I am also recently starting this journey as well, motivation is a problem for me as well. My advice is find something you enjoy, biking, jogging, golf, boxing, spinning classes, and just jump in and try some things out. If you find you need extra motivation I've heard that joining cardio classes, like…
    in Newcomer! Comment by rydogg707 July 2011
  • Ryan, from Dayton Ohio.
  • Welcome, and sounds like you are on the right track! Keep on keepin on!