braninsb Member


  • Boo on all the people commenting on your wife. She's your WIFE, enough said. Explain to her just how private the internet is, like Facebook...hahaha. All you have to do is tell her you aren't looking for other women, especially hot ones. She IS the hot one. That's one of the reasons why you married her :love: I'm sorry you…
  • Gladly! Yum Yum! I have one every week. Yeah, I don't get why people worry so damn much about what I eat. I used to be chubby and have struggled with weight forever. I am now quite thin but healthy. People tell me to go eat some burgers and shakes all the time. Yeah, I'm a fitness professional of 15 years and I'll get…
  • Wow, thats a lot of salty condiments! I try to season with chipolte pepper, low sodium soy sauce and limiting it (565mg for 1 TBSP). For sauces or salad dressing I always dip my fork. You get used it. Oh, and to the pizza salt person I had pizza last night with salt..bad me. Pizza AND salt. Today's a new day!