

  • I weigh myself every morning about the same time. Although I do my official weigh in on Thursdays at 9:30 to see how much I have changed week per week. And yes over the weekends im a few pounds heavier usually and my weight fluctuates a lot in a day. Weighing every day keeps me in total check. keeps me motivated if Im…
  • If you truly are working out that much, you need to be eating your exercise calories. Need to. your body is like a car, it needs fuel to run just like a car needs gas. I can guarentee you take a week and eat those exercise calories and you will start to lose again. Trust me.
  • I wholeheartedly agree with you. And to the people who think that way I always think "How bad do YOU want it?" Thats always been my inward thoughts as to my own self discipline. I dont want to be 40 pounds heavier, ever again in my life. I want it THAT bad - maintaining my goal weight. And I love food too but I wont lose…
  • Thanks everyone! I reached goal in November 2010, it took me nearly 20 months to lose 40 pounds with my thyroid disorder. It was a long road but I was determined to get there!!! Now maintaining is just as hard but I have no choice but to change my food habits for life. Thank you for welcoming me so kindly :)
  • You definitely are NOT eating enough. Your body is like a car, you need fuel for it to run properly. As soon as I saw what you were eating for breakfast I knew. You must eat more.