I'm Katie, and I want to wear a bikini and feel good! I was here and then I wasn't. I had lost some weight, then lost my head over some boy. Now, I just want to feel amazing and working out and eating clean does that. I'm not too worried about the numbers, but I do love looking great in my clothes. :)
bwahahahahahahahaaa!!! that's hilarious. Love it.
LOL. Who cares??? If that's what they're proud of, that's fine. I'm not a wifey or a mommy, and I doubt I'll ever use those handles, but I found this post humorous.
You would make a terrific Rogue!
God, that's sexy. I want to see pics!
Haha, this is awesome. Of course, I would want to be Princess Lei, in her slave outfit. Might have to wait a while for that one. I love that you'd be Sailor Moon. That's frickin awesome. Also, men that dress up as their favorite comic heroes are super hot.
hehe! :laugh:
Well now I'm just embarrassed! I'm down 30 too, but I have another 100 to go. I'm glad to see every pound go. :)
Thanks for the inspiring words! And, WOW! -52lbs! Way to go!
Bahahaha! I flex my arms all day long.
That's awesome! You look great!
Yay!!!!!!! That's fun! The gym I work out at is private, in my office, but there are about 4 of us who work out at my time. I feel like we're a club. I have yet to learn their names, but I've been given high fives before. I love it. <3 Also, way to go for being a regular! That's great dedication!
I'd feel pretty flattered. We all want attention from people we admire, and even though I don't know her, my initial response is that she is pretty, and I admire pretty people. So. :)
Hell yeah.
Nicole Sullivan, from Mad TV
I'm 29 for four more months! Still counts, right? :) I'm Katie. I've lost 30 lbs so far, still have 100 to go. I don't remember how many days in a row I have logged, but it's over 100...
I'll be your friend!
Oh HELL yeah! :wink:
I want in!!!!
My name is Katie, and I am a fast food addict. I have three friends whom I know I can call or text any time a craving strikes. Believe, me I use them when I need them! Thankfully, I don't have to text them that often any more. I know it's on me to live right and eat right, but knowing that someone is there for you to…
Hot dayum! What an inspiration! You are living proof that what I want is possible! Thank you for posting this. I feel so ready to take on the next week!
1. Bodied - Beyonce 2. Make Me Proud - Drake 3. Independent Women - Destiny's Child 4. Bootylicious - Destiny's Child 5. Miss Independent - Ne-yo .... Beyonce is my girl in the gym!
No. I have two mfps who were friends of mine before I got online, but as for the ones I've met here, I've yet to meet any of them. I would certainly like to!
It's got to be something I've never had, and something exotic. He can cook for me on the first date. I'll bring the vino.;)
No. I only date men.
I don't have a recipe, but a friend of mine once made some black bean hummus, and it was delicious!