I want to know who sucks in their gut all of the time. Today, my PT lectured me on my posture. I am losing weight and exercising, but apparently I walk with my shoulders slumped and chin down. Today, he told me to start contracting my abs at all times. It is not easy! He also told me to stick out my chest when I walk. I…
Lately, I have felt nothing but attractive. I am smoking hot when I work out. I love my sweat. Then, when I go out, I can't wait to flaunt my legs, arms, and collar bone. I haven't seen my collar bone in a long time. Also, my second chin has disappeared! I know a lot of my confidence is coming from the happy hormones that…
I am not a fan of salads, but I think I could be if I knew of some great recipes! Please post your favorite salads, and I'll make them and let you know what I think! Thanks!