

  • Hey!! Vegan here!! I haven't been on the board for a couple months, but back now!!. I am your no animal products in ANYTHING I put in my body gal. Staying away from the home made whole wheat bread has made weight loss pretty tough, but getting there.
  • I'm 5'10'' and my goal is 145. I'm sitting at 156 right now, so it's the last 11 pounds from the baby I'm trying to get rid of. I've seemed to gain a little since running a lot again, but I think it's muscle. I may have to start ingnoring the scale, and pay attention to sizes instead.
  • Great post! I was a serious runner before I had my son. Then it all went down hill, lol. I'm just starting to run again after almost 2 years off. I've been doing 3-5 miles in the morning about 4-5 days a week. Man, those days I don't run are tough tho. Now I feel like I'm dragging all day if I don't get a good run in…
  • When did you start walking? I know when I started running again, I felt the same way for about two weeks. Then, my body adjusted, and I got hungry again. I just listened to my body. If it's not hungry, don't force it, it'll kick in after the adjustment. I think it varies from person to person. I do however agree not going…
  • I know how you're feeling!! I have two children, I work during the day (8 - 5) and my husband works at night )5:30 - 12:00. Unless I have a babysitter (which I don't because we just moved and don't know anyone around us) I have NO time for me!! I work, make dinner, bathe the kids and put them to bed, and then housework.…
  • Hey! congrats!! I have a 10 month old and am still nursing, and the weight is still coming off!! the answer to your questions, and any other nursing questions is on Check it out... it's a great website!!:flowerforyou: