Making time for me..

So lately I've been trying to find the 'me' time... ya know, the time when I go out for my long walks. I'm definately NOT a morning person, so morning walks are out of the question. I get off work at 5, home by 5:30-6... then I have to make dinner for me & the fiance and clean up. By then its already 7-8 and getting cold outside and I just don't feel like going on my walk... or other things come up, laundry, clean the house, play with the cats, grocery shopping.

How do you make the time for you when you feel like your being pulled in 50 different directions? I almost feel guilty when I go on my walks and all I can think about is what needs to be done. So frustrating!


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If your walks are something you love, then you have to make time for them- it's not fair to YOU otherwise. Believe it or not, you are your first priority- you have to be. If you're not at your best, you're not going to be able to give your best to anyone else.

    What about a walk and then dinner? Lots of people have late dinners.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi... I know it sounds crazy, but it's worth considering.... trying the morning ANYWAY! :) I'm also part of the "not a morning person" club - but I got so tired of never having "me" time that I decided it was worth a shot even though I was likely to hate it. Guess what ??? I DON'T hate it (most days). In fact, after my walk/run in the morning, I am able to be fully present at work (i.e. I don't have to spend the first hour just waking up). I don't have to rush out the door in a fog b/c i was able to "wake up" while i was walking. I can get grounded and centered and in general I'm nicer to people if I have "me" time first.

    I know, it might not be for you - but it might end up being the best gift you could give yourself. The world looks a little different at an earlier hour too. :)
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    I would definitely talk to your fiance about your goals of getting healthy and losing weight. See if he doesn't mind eating dinner later or maybe even cook dinner occasionally while you are out on your walk. There are many alternatives if you have the support of the people around you.
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    i have taled my husband into cooking dinner on mondays and thursdays so i can go to the gym after work. so far its been 3 weeks and it has been going well. Give it a shot.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I like the idea of him cooking! :laugh: :laugh: We normally eat right after work because he is a naughty boy and doesn't eat all day so by the time 5-6 rolls around he's starving. Maybe if I pack him a lunch I can buy myself an hour after work... or maybe get dinner started and have him finish it up.

    I'll have to attempt to get up an hour earlier and see if a morning walk helps. Just getting up is 99% of the battle!

    Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions! :flowerforyou:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I agree - lots of good suggestions. :) Great to have so many options to try! Wishing you lots of luck... will you let us know how it's going?

    And, I hear ya - getting up IS 99% of the battle - if you try it - and you enjoy it - remind yourself of that so you'll want to come back for more. (Oddly enough, I found that I only hate waking up now if I have to go directly into the shower and out the door for work. I never realized all that time that I was setting myself up for a rough start by sleeping in til the last minute possible)!!!

    We're pulling for you - once you find what it is that works for you - there will be no stopping you!
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    using the crock pot is another way to have dinner make itself.
  • applepie
    applepie Posts: 105 Member
    I agree with the comments so far, and just wanted to add one more. It's taken me 12 years to 'start' taking me time. Just like you, I felt guilty about giving myself time to do anything. But things got put into perspective about 2 years ago when I looked in the mirror and fell apart when I realized that I actually looked the way I felt..crappy. I knew that NO ONE was going to be able to do anything about this but me. SO, as hard as it was, I wrote myself in on the schedule. My hubby could wait, the kids would be just fine while I did what I had to do. And you know what? It was ok. Everyone survived, and is still surviving..and actually coming on walks with me. If it's important to you...if YOU'RE important to you, then you'll find a way to make it happen. Everyone will ok, and appreciate you more because you're going to become a different, more happier person. I know it sounds weird, but it's so true. When we take time to make ourselves important...then others see us and treat us that way, too.

    So, I guess my advice is...Just do it. Try the morning walk. Try an afternoon walk. Take your fiance with you after you get home from work. Use the crockpot, make meals the night before to save time the next day. You can do this, and you're worth it. :)

    Good luck and congrats on the upcoming wedding. :)
  • nikos1mom
    I know how you're feeling!! I have two children, I work during the day (8 - 5) and my husband works at night )5:30 - 12:00. Unless I have a babysitter (which I don't because we just moved and don't know anyone around us) I have NO time for me!! I work, make dinner, bathe the kids and put them to bed, and then housework. I'm so exhausted by the time that's all done, and it's 10:00 at night. I started forcing myself to get up at 5:30 to run. I just needed me time so bad I felt like I was going crazy. It sucks when my alarm goes off, but by the time I'm through mile 1, it's totally worth it!! I feel so much better, that getting up earlier actually has helped me hang in there in the evenings.

    Even though it's tough, try getting up even just a half an hour early to walk, or even just stretch and have a good cup of coffee! It's totally worth it!

    Good luck.