

  • My wife and I started not too long ago. She just finished week 4 and I just finished week 1. We are loving it! Neither one of us are runners. ( I ran cross-country in high school, but that was ages ago) Keep going! I am so looking forward to finishing and being able to go for a run 3-4 times a week. Really clears your head…
  • Congrats! I know you're proud of yourself and rightfully so!
  • Congrats on quitting smoking! I've been there myself. That's huge and quite an accomplishment in itself! Slow and steady wins the race. I started C25K a few days ago and I surprised myself. It's a great tool. I think you'll like it when you think you're ready. Best of wishes!
  • You can check the % settings for each (protein/carbs/fats) on the goals tab on the computer. It may just need to be adjusted to suit your particular needs. Click on change goals and adjust as necessary. I am running 40% protein/40% carbs/20% fat. You may want/need something else. Good luck and keep up the hard work. It…