skjones0323 Member


  • I would say you are probably not getting enough protein and/or fiber...both tend to help a person feel full.
  • I like to weigh in once a week, but on the program I am on now I weigh in once every two weeks. I find that I have some trouble with motivation toward the end of the second week. Susan
  • Count me in!! I would love to lose at least that much by Christmas! Susan
  • I have a really hard time, with of all tings, CheezeIts!! If I get started IU could easily eat at least half the box....preferably with milk! I don't keep them in the house!
  • Thanks to the poster who said that it's what adults do to be responsible or something like that. My first response was to feel angry, but you are correct. Burying my head in the sand won't get me any closer to my goal and will end in my developing Type II Diabetes and other weight related problems. I've always said I…
  • Hi, I;m Susan too and I'm 52. I have 60 something pounds to lose and could really use some more friends for motivation and support!
  • I need friends!! Please send me a friend request--all of you who have posted!!
  • Thank you for sharing your success. I'm basically just getting started on a journey to lose about 80 pounds and I have been really struggling with emotional eating now that I am not using food to soothe myself. It is a great motivator to read about your success. Keep up the good work!!
  • Great job and welcome back!!! I have about the same amount to lose still!! I know that with more exercise and making healthoer food choices that we both can make it!!
  • I made steamed cauliflower last night and was just talking about wanting to find a good recipe for cauliflower "mashed potatoes." Do you know of a good recipe? I'm sure they are easy enough to find! I am trying to eat low carbohydrate.
  • I use spaghetti squash. Someone mentioned they thought it was a lot of work, but I don't find it so. You just need a really sharp knife to cut it lengthwise, scoop out the seeds like a pumpkin, bake it for about 45 minutes and scoop out! Viola! I have a great homemade sauce recipe but usually don't have enough time, so I…
  • Pretty smile and way to go on the 66 pounds lost! I have about 80 to lose! You give me hope!
  • I agree....I know I would definitely be eating more without using the app on my phone. I force myself to add what I've over eaten on as well!!
  • I know that one thing that has helped me and to me this sounds to look at myself in the mirror and realize I still have more weight to lose. I think I have avoided the mirror for a long time, so actually facing the truth that I am overweight and still have more to lose helps me to stick to my program!
  • Hey there!! I totally get what you're saying. I "binged" on about six brownies this morning. The usual response is to say, "well, I messed up so I might as well continue eating whatever I want." But, I know this is not the answer. SO, I went to the pool with my daughter and swam some as I normally do. I had my water with…
  • Hello!! That's so funny!! I'm sitting here and logged on because I'm having a difficult day, well, actually, I had a difficult morning and I'm trying to stay on target for the rest of day. I'm sitting here chomping on a pack of gum and I have my gallon of water out. I'm going to make baked chicken and cauliflower for…
  • I had an episode today where I had gotten upset with my stepson and also had trouble with my daughter whining. I had brought pretzels to the pool for my daughter for a snack and I ended up having about three servings. I decided not to totally blow the day, but now, after dinner, I am really craving something sweet. Guess…
  • Hey everyone! I've lived in the tri-county area since 1986 and have lived all over the place....downtown, west ashley, James Island, Goose Creek and am now in Moncks Corner! I am hoping this is an active group and look forward to getting to know you all!
  • Hey Alimae87!! I really like your positive view of preparing a healthy meal and using the time to think through the issues of the day!. I had a stressful morning involving a recently acquired stepson and then some unpleasantness with my daughter. I tried to think about what was going on with me and concluded that I took…
  • Hello!! I'm on a medically supervised weight loss program that is low carb. I need support too when my food cravings get bad. I have problems eating when I'm not hungry and really bad problems with emotional eating. I am on the verge of developing Type II Diabetes and trying to give my best try at losing this weight once…