cmerritt923 Member


  • I really like The Firm. I prefer their older work-outs. They combine weights and aerobics, and usually use both a low step and a "bench" which is 14-18 inches high. Works out the legs and gluts really well. Their upper body stuff is also quite good, using free weights.
  • LOL! They sound like they are related! Hammy is certainly his own person, he loves to run the fence line, and barks like a nut. And comes when I call...if he feels like it
  • I know this is a little off topic, but I have a Maltese Cross Shih tzu, too! He was a rescue I got a year ago. Adorable!!
  • Go to a running store and have them evaluate your gait and arch. Or if none is near, go to Nike's web site. They'll help you determine the type of shoe you should get, and will even tell you the models they sell that will satisfy your needs.
  • I'm wondering which Firm videos/tapes folks like. I have all of the original ones and I love them. Then I saw them selling off boxes of tapes for super cheap and I got them. I like the older ones MUCH more than the newer ones I got, but I'm getting bored and would like to buy some newer ones...but want to be sure I get…