

  • My take is that you have accomplished the refinement of your metabolism. There are cars that weigh about the same and have the same number of cylinders under the hood, etc. but have very different fuel efficiency. It sounds to me like you're just running more efficiently than the average upon which calorie recommendations…
  • Congratulations! It sounds from your progress and sizing like you and I are very similar the path you've walked "clicks" with me. I'm enjoying success vicariously and it helps keep the focus. While I have some old "skinny" clothes that I am using as benchmarks, I never used to weigh myself, so I have no…
  • Those warnings spooked me a bit at first too. Now I worry less. One of the main reasons is that on many days I go a little over, on others under. In the long run, as long as we're in the ballpark, it seems like we should be on track for our goals. I also think (some biologist might explain why I'm mistaken) that the…
  • It's possible that as your body gets treated to healthier input and output, that it's ridding itself of unwanted toxins. Pop ("soda" where I grew up ;) ) is horrible stuff. There's a good chance that this is actually a good sign that you're on the right track!
    in Acne Comment by andyroy April 2010