

  • I see that my friend Csmith has filled you in. She's a smart lady. We have been working together. Eat your 1200. I don't eat over that often. If I get my excercize in. I don't eat them. I have a day a week that I allow myself to eat more and junk it up a bit. This is a life change. You have to allow yourself to enjoy what…
  • That is awesome. I wish I could run. I know that I wouldn't have been able to crush it like you did, but I can admire you for you success. I'm sure you feel great about yourself and you should. Thanks for sharing. :drinker: Get some water now.
  • You have lost 300 pds total. If you add your weight loss and getting rid of the ex. Great job in changing your life for the better. In more then one way. You were always beauiful. Now you just feel better and look thinner. Never look back. You have a new a better life now. Congrats!
  • Great Job!!!! You are changing your life. I'm sure that it feels good.
  • If they judge it would be to say, Great Job!! You are doing this to show that you are working at it and seeing an improvement. It shows others that are on the same path that it can be done. Keep it up! Just no Playboy pictures here. You should have Hugh Hefner pay you the big bucks of those when your ready. LOL :wink:
  • Everyone is going to be differant. I think it depends on if you are working out. How much weight you have to loss. Someone that has a goal of 15 pds in going to see and difference faster the someone wanting to loss 100pds. Don't get discurraged by not seeing it right away. You didn't notice gaining the weight a pound at a…
  • You asked what the point is? The point is you want better for yourself. If you have a weekend full of fun and blow it a bit. You get back on track on Monday. It's not the end of the world. It's a lesson. It's just water weight and you can't let a weekend end your trip. You can do it. You will do it. No one but you can make…
  • Like others have said, it can be water, but if you are gaining muscle. It weights twice as much as fat, but burns calories. It's best to take you messurements. Chest, hips, waist, upper arm. upper thigh. Check them every two weeks. The scale can be deceiving. You might be getting smaller and gain. That will let you know if…
  • That is a great! It can only get better!
  • I started counting calorie when I worked at a womens only gym when I was 19. It has always worked for me to keep my weight the same. I would tell the women at the gym. Lets face it, we all like to eat, so you have to count calories and move more. Always eat what you want when you are hungrey. Just don't eat more calories…