applebug20 Member


  • I'm a swimmer too and I've even asked the managers/lifeguards at the pool what they consider. If you feel like you are putting forth all of your effort, even if you don't know how fast it actually is - I'd say you are definitely swimming vigorous. Getting sore, getting tired, feeling like you need to stop to catch your…
  • My husband is 1.25 inches shorter than me (I'm 5'8.5, he's 5'7.25) When I meet him I wasn't attracted to him at all physically, but I thought he was the nicest guy I had ever met. We were great friends, until one day I woke up and realized he was the one for me - and the fact that he was 1.25 inches shorter than me -…
  • My old scale broke, and when I bought a new scale and started using it - I automatically gained 10 lbs. Not too happy about that. However - it matched the weight that I was from a doctors digital scale - so go figure. Was I actually 10 lbs heavier all that time? I'll never know - but as my old scale was dying I still found…
  • While it might be water weight - if you are a heavy soda drinker and you went off soda, that can have an effect on you too. I lost 8 lbs the first two weeks I went off soda last year, and then jumped another 3 within another 2 days or so. It can happen fast in the beginning depending on what you are doing and eating! Also,…
  • If you've gone off caffeine to make sure you are under your calorie goal - that might be why you are struggling with migraines and headaches. I get migraines, and usually when I have one - all I want is a soda. Even thought I have gone off caffeine for weeks - months at a time - my body seems to crave a soda. My husband…
  • Anywhere between 3 - 4 lbs for a few days before to a couple days after! Sometimes it's nice because I go through that big fluctuation and than I drop a lb or more than I was expecting because I continued to exercise right through it all!