

  • I don't seem to have any arm strength.....those planks kill me............will keep movin on!
  • Day 5 done..........after reading a few entries are we supposed to do 10 days level 1, 10 days level 1 &2, 10 days all levels?
  • maybe I heard wrong, but I thought we were supposed to get up to all 3 levels and do them I pushing myself too hard?? I'm only up to doing level 1 & 2 was going to try to get in all 3 tomorrow
  • got up early and did Level 1 20 minutes......what do we enter this in as under exercise..??
    in DAY 1! Comment by htbenitez July 2013
  • 160.8 and ready to shred!
  • I am 3 years post, and because of surgeries, am just now taking charge and trying to loose weight.....I wasn't over weight before, ok maybe 5-10 I need to loose 20-30 lbs! Mostly tummy, hips and thighs (pear shaped girl) this sucks. I don't eat a lot, not that big on sweets, do like my Starbucks Frappuccino,…
  • I am the perfect Pear shaped...............well, shouldn't say perfect but this is not what I consider perfect. Tummy, hips,'s gotta go!
  • mee too....its hard to eat 1200 good calories a day............I like apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, corn, some fish, not much candy or sweets, usually chicken.......should be easy to loose weight right? Post menopausal seems to be my downfall.....
  • Hi newly joined about 2 wks ago.....trying to be consistent......can't figure out how to get the "0 lb lost" badge updated on the My Home page
  • Zumba - I really like it...........I don't have a "lot of moves", I'm a tall, blonde, white it's fun to try to learn how to "move"'s fun, I sweat, burn calories..........and my gym has it 3 times a week. Great place to meet other women trying to get in shape, make friends, stay accountable.