

  • I have bee working out.... I just picked it up tO four days a week. Usually 30 -40 of cardio and either arms abs or legs abs for 20-30. I work in a restaurant also lifting and walking all night. Thanks for your input. I have no goal for per week. I tried to limit my scale encounters bc they mostly upset me.
  • LEave em!!! I used to take them and i loved the feeling of having more energy (likedrinking a red bull or TWO!) but maybe tops i lost like 6 lbs after a bottle and not eating.....but once i stopped it came back slowly but surely.....and to add to a sleep and BREAKING OUT!...i got bad acne during and after…
  • Thank you for all your input...I was thinking that using my left over calories and just having some drinks....I understand that craving for carbs! I have been there before after a night of drinking... But do you think it makes any difference of whether i drink a few beers or have a few vodka/seltzers???
  • I hear you girl!! Im i need of supportive friends also!...We can work together....friend me :)
  • Thank You soo much guys!!!....Yea the water thing i just never really I am going to get into the habit. I literally just got back from the gym..actually tried jogging instead of the elliptical...we will see how that feels in the morning. Yes I have heard about the Zig Zag calorie intake thing thats why i…
  • Yes I haven't really been calculating my water intake so well...I have been drinking...might not have been 8 cups thought...Thank you for the input!!