

  • I've given up sugar in my tea, bread, wine and chocolate, oh and Chinese food (sob)
  • I just find it really hard to stomach food first thing in the morning, and if I do eat anything, its normally toast but I need to cut out bread because it makes me so bloated. I used to have quite bad IBS and the nurse told me I shouldn't be eating wheat but I love bread! By breakfast shake, do you mean like a fruit…
  • I know I'm going to start thinking like that soon as I am so impatient. But I'm going to try and keep the thought in my head, that if I just give up then in a year or so, I'll be thinking what an idiot I am, and that if I just stuck to it I would probably be really slim and happy. Look at all the people on here who have…
  • Nooo I'm only just starting out - I dont want my boobs to go! They are the only part of my body that I like the size of!