
Well, I've been feeling very down. Last week wasn't very good and although my measurements are going down I feel no change. I keep pulling at my sides and feel that there is a ton more work to be done. I see ripped people on television and feel really bad in comparison and in my head I'm telling myself it's impossible to look like that.

I need help. :brokenheart:


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Don't be depressed! :(
    Use it as your tool to keep going! The change won't happen over night, as much as we all would love it if we could shed the 60lbs, 80lbs, etc it will take time for it to happen! You just need to keep at it! A little quote that helps me everyday or when I feel like giving up "A year from now you will wish you had started today! I don't now if this has happened to you but you start your diet and you fall of the track and a year later you find yourself at the same weight and same unhappy place where you were before! Don't give up!!

    I also look in the mirror and see how MUCH work there needs to be done but I don't allow myself to give up, not this time. Keep your chin up and do it for you! :)
  • pocojackie
    I know I'm going to start thinking like that soon as I am so impatient. But I'm going to try and keep the thought in my head, that if I just give up then in a year or so, I'll be thinking what an idiot I am, and that if I just stuck to it I would probably be really slim and happy.

    Look at all the people on here who have lost so much weight. I bet they had weak moments too but they must be so proud to have stuck to it. If we dont stick with it, we'll never get anywhere. x
  • JamiroJunior
    JamiroJunior Posts: 139
    Okay! Thank you very much...

    I dropped another inch so I'll continue. I think I'm finally showing progress. :flowerforyou: :ohwell:
  • JamiroJunior
    JamiroJunior Posts: 139