

  • Hi there! I hope things are going well for you today. You know with every ending there's a new beginning. And so it is today. Let's agree together to make the best decisions for ourselves in the foods we choose. God bless you for your encouragement!
  • Thank you for being so encouraging. It's taken me awhile to figure out where everthing is. And I just found your post. Sorry I didn't say thank you sooner. But I didn't know you had posted! ;)
  • Wow! You have won the battle of the bulge! Thanks for being so encouraging. I just checked my weight the other day and saw I lost about 4 lbs. I just hope it wasn't all in water weight! I love seeing the daily results of my activities as it helps me to see areas where I need strengthening in. Mostly that's at night ....…
  • Ouch! I would try applying warm water compressess to the agrevated calf to help sooth the pain. For swelling and inflamation, (which you might have) follow up with a cold compress for approximately 15 minutes. Also try using an anti-inflammitory over-the-counter medication. Happy Landings!
  • Hi! Just read your post and I see you're really committed now. Part of loosing weight is to be able to be accountable to others by sharing your vision. I think that you're a determined and earnest person and you can do this! But I don't under stand the "stones" thing? Fill me in.