Still in the early idea stages but we both are liking the idea of a Nautical theme for either boy or girl. Lot's of whale's, captain wheels, old sail boat pictures etc
I will send a request, I'm at 6 weeks right now and have lost 4lbs the last two weeks(tender tummy right now) But I think we all need a little help when those pregnancy cravings hit LOL!!
Fingers crossed!!!!! Good luck to you guys and thank you!
That is exciting!! You know it is a hard blow to take being told you have PCOS. I started having weight problems back in 2007 when I was 21, right after my son was born, and I was finally was diagnosed 2yrs ago, it has been hell trying to lose weight and keep it off, mine just always sneaks right back. I have noticed that…
You can add me!
Got any room left for one more?
I wouldn't really compare PCOS to diabetes, it's a lot more complicated than that(We're talking major infertility issues, facial/body hair, periods that would make Satan pray to God for mercy, hormonal imbalances, etc...)...... LazoKim, I would talk to your doctor before going off the metformin and let them know you want…
Love it!
Coulrophobia---Phobia of clowns. I will break down in tears, panic attacks...I've left a whole cart of paid groceries and nearly fallen out of a 2story building trying to get away from clowns.
Welcome!!!! I seriously HATE being around a bunch of people...have an anxiety disorder or naturally gyms for me suck... BUT i found a gym that has a "Cardio Room"....Golds Gym. They play movies in a huge dim lit room with nothing but cardio machines...people are so focused on the movie that no one pays…
Feel your pain, this is my second go round at losing all the weight...I have found if i track what I eat, i tend to do a lot better. It becomes an internal competition i suppose...feel free to FR me!
Hey, feel free to hit me up...everyone could always use more friends!
I have heard the in general tats on your feet hurt worse than most areas b/c of the lack of fat/thin skin situation....I do not have one I can't say for sure, it all might just depend on your threshold of pain too...I have a high tolerance and actually fell asleep during three of my tats(wrist, chest,…
Navy Seals
I'm pulling a 12hr at normal previous said, depends on the company you work for. HR at your company will know.
Lemon Pepper chicken breast on rice and a veg, not sure what sounds good yet...
Kill it...kill it with fire!!
Not quite sure whether or not to be offended....Hmmm...oh look something shiny...pretty!
Stargazer Lillie's are my all time favorite!
Jack Daniels--neat
Come on you pansy!!
'Tis but a scratch...
You look amazing!!! Great Job!
Jesse's Girl--Rick Springfield
Love it!!
My son and I have been bitten more by my mom's dachshunds and my old cat then any other dog...we have a Great Dane(German Mastiff if ya'll want to get all technical and such) that my son can basically treat like a big teddy bear and he won't even bat an eyelash at...We've had Salt Artemis since he was 6wks old and I made…
Bryan Adams-Summer of '69
Option 2, kids understand more than we give them credit for. We lost our pitpull last year and my (then) 4yr old sat with him through out the day until he is going to involve a lot of answering questions...and then more questions....but it's part of being a parent. My son took it very well, he was sad but…
My BF is 6'6 and i'm only 5''s like living in the land of the giants with him and his family!