calih1983 Member


  • Bahahaahaha great thread! I was discussing this with my hubby last night actually and we found that like others said its only like 40/hr and like so many others that's hardly anything when broken down to the 3 minutes we get... but heavy making out does burn a fair amount... if your partner isn't too tired that is...
  • I'm not the only one! Yay! I am in the same boat with usually around 500 cal. Left at the end of the day. I too am seeing positive results but I don't want to harm my body...
  • Hi everyone! I'm new too and a sahm I have 130-150 to lose as my big goal and my smaller goals will be 25 at a shot til I'm healthy again! Lani I'm sending a fr, anyone else in need of friends feel free to add me! I'm positive and upbeat about weightloss and I KNOW this time I'm going to do it for good!
  • I crave that confidence myself and I have noticed that having support here, and to know I'm not "the only one" that is or was unhappy is a huge help! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • I need to lose between 130lbs and 150lbs. It is very intimidating to think we are dropping another full grown person off of our bodies, but with support and determination we can do it! My support system is unfortunately very small so anyone that would like to be part of it and have me as part of theirs please feel free to…