Anyone with lots to lose?



  • gunny34
    gunny34 Posts: 68
    You can add me if you'd like.. My goal is 60 lbs... It's been FRIGGIN HARD... I want to give up.. then I see pics of myself and I cant stand to see myself age that way.. so here I am again.. I am DETERMINED to lose this weight that I REFUSE to let take over my life.. We just need to stick together... ;)))
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm trying to lose 111 pounds. I'm down 16 so far, but I have a long, long way to go. This site really helps keep me motivated, and it makes food and exercise tracking easy. The "way to gos" from others on this site really help, especially when I'm battling temptation.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    My starting goal was also to lose 150 pounds, which would be half my body weight. I am a little more than a third of the way there in 5 months. I never thought I would be able to do this without some sort of gimick. Not every day is easy, but I know if I can do this anyone can. I still eat out. I still eat with friends. I don't workout for hours a day because I don't have time. I have made a lot of small changes and they have really made the difference.

    It is overwhelming to think about 150 pounds all at once. Don't think about that. Break it down into smaller chunks and celebrate those. I tend to think in 20 pound increments. Also don't expect it to be a linear process. Over the 5 months I have averaged a little more than 10 pounds per month, but it hasn't been that straightforward. It came of faster at the beginning, but for the last three months, it has been a little more start and stop. A week with just staying the same and then a week with three pounds, etc. While it is hard to look forward at everything, it is great to look back that way. So on weeks where I don't lose or even gain a little I look back and can see that over the 5 months since I started, I am clearly meeting my goal of 2 pounds a week. That keeps me encouraged and helps my perspective.

    I had a hard time working out when I started. The first day I rode my stationary bike I could barely go five minutes. I counted that and just kept adding more each day. Eventually I got to 45 minutes. Then I had to start changing it up. I have to change up my workout regularly to keep pushing my to lose. If I do the same workout routinely I slow down. Everytime I try something new, it feels like starting over because its hard, but I try not to get discouraged. I remember how it was that first week of riding my bike and I know it will get easier. And it does and each time it get easier quicker and then I have to change it up again.

    I didn't have any friends when I started, and I have found that I having friends for support is very helpful. Find friends with similar goals, similar workouts and similar lifestyles and reach out for their support. Feel free to friend me for additional support. Just put the thread title or some other message in the request.

    Good luck to you.
  • brandy3232
    brandy3232 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I've once lost 98 lbs threw weight watchers about 7 yrs ago.. as u can see in my profile picture thats how big i was it took alot of hard work to do but I did it. Then I stopped I started again I've lost about 43 lbs so far but I'm looking to loose about another 70 lbs or more. Good luck to everyone!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hello there! I also have a pretty good portion to lose. My initial goal was to lose 150, I'm down ~53 lbs so far.

    I belong to a group where most of us have 100+ lbs to lose. You're welcome to come on over and introduce yourself (as well as anyone else on this thread!). We'd be happy to have you all!!!
  • gunny34
    gunny34 Posts: 68
    If you lose even just one pound per week you'll be down 52 pounds by next June. 2 pounds a week will be 104 pounds. It's totally doable! Just hang in there and take those baby steps. Remember that the weight didn't go on overnight, so it's not going to come off overnight either. :drinker:
  • gardensgal71
    gardensgal71 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! Day one. Half my size to loose...((gulp)). I'm a newbee so i'll try and add you. :flowerforyou:
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    There is a thread on these forums specifically for people who have 100+ pounds to lose. It's a great group of people and I highly recommend it for anyone in similar circumstances.
  • jdouget01
    jdouget01 Posts: 1
    I am 6'2" and was tipping the scale at 299.8 10 days ago - I am at 291.2 this morning. I use to have an excuse about getting weight off and then starting p90x to make it easier on my joints. Well, I have been doing it 9 days and haven't missed a beat - is it hard - HELL YEAH - but not as hard as being the big guy huffing and puffing everywhere I go. I am on a 1700 calorie meal plan (which is too much food when your eating the right stuff) I am stuffed every day and dont have cravings. I am trackin every meal and every workout so I would be glad to share my food plan with you I just don't know how to make it public to you guys/gals. I also had a shattered leg from a motorcycle accident three years ago and that has slowed me down and I kept using that as an excuse, but I am actually helping it now build strength back. My point is - its easy to do and its not easy to do - Its the "slight edge" google the slight edge by Jeff Olson and you'll see what I am saying - Just get sick and tired of being sick and tired and do it - God never intended on us struggling through life missing the good things - thats a block we put there ourselves - If I can You can -Bring IT!!!!!!!!
  • Hi I have 1/3 of my body weight to lose and have just started. i don't imagine it will be easy but I am prepared to give it a go. I am doing the Rosemary Conley diet plan which starts with 1200 calories a day for 14 days, no alochol and even fruti and veg are calorie coutned. I imagine it will be hard work but will take it one day at a time and tell myself that whilst the next 14 days will be restrictive things will change and I will adapt my diet to eat the things I enjoy, not as often, but I will be able to do it.

    Gunny's words are very pertinent, 1lb a week is 4 stone a year (English weights) and any weight loss is good for the body. If you try to lose too much at once then it will be unsustainable in the long run and more likely to fail.

    Good luck!
  • Hiya!

    I have alot to lose, probably around the 100lb mark. Im hoping to do it by September 2012, which is when I graduate. Ive lost 17lb so far; and open to new friend requests.
    Good luck everyone! x
  • lauram1153
    lauram1153 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi i'm new here and have over all 80 ish lbs to loose. but i'm taking small goals... friend request sent good luck x
  • charli246
    charli246 Posts: 35
    I'd also like to have some support/friends. I'm not even sure right now how much I have to loose .... I'm too scared to look. And I live overseas ... currently in Morocco ... so I don't have access to support groups like OA. And most of my friends here are hard-core athletes. It's tough not having people who understand what I'm dealing with. Any help would be appreciated.
  • charli246
    charli246 Posts: 35
    I'd also like to have some support/friends. I'm not even sure right now how much I have to loose .... I'm too scared to look. And I live overseas ... currently in Morocco ... so I don't have access to support groups like OA. And most of my friends here are hard-core athletes. It's tough not having people who understand what I'm dealing with. Any help would be appreciated.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    Me! Me! I'm down 79 pounds, 93 to go til my first goal weight of 200.. decided to start with that as my goal then ill be modifying from there once I get a feel for what my body is like when I get closer and can figure out what a good goal weight for me would truly be.. I think ultimately ill lose another 120 or so pounds from where I'm at now so I've definitely got a ways to go!!!
  • Yeah, I have about 183 lbs to lose... long road ahead but just making steps at a time and a good support system is key. If anybody would like to add me, go ahead.
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    I'm looking at losing around 90 lbs myself. Don't worry, you can do it. I've only lost 4 so far, but I know that I am constantly losing and working towards my goal. If you lose 2 lbs a week you can totally make it by June :):)
  • want2walknotwaddle
    want2walknotwaddle Posts: 77 Member
    it does seem a massive challenge when you first start when i started on mfp in march i was 281lb and disgusted with myself that it had got to that now i am 208lb (73lb down) and my whole outlook on life has changed, i have more energy and i actually look for opportunities to exercise now normally walking 2 to 3 miles a day somedays up to 5 miles and i love it. i still got a long way to go but i have said once i get to 154lb which is lighter than i ever been in my adult life, then i am going to concentrate on plenty exercise and toning up so 54lb left to shift
  • calih1983
    calih1983 Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose between 130lbs and 150lbs. It is very intimidating to think we are dropping another full grown person off of our bodies, but with support and determination we can do it! My support system is unfortunately very small so anyone that would like to be part of it and have me as part of theirs please feel free to send me a friend request! To the op, I sent you one :-)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Yup. My total to lose will be at least 230 lbs. Down by 30 at the moment.

    Anyone is free to friend me.
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