

  • you look AWESOME!! Seriously, if I had that body right now, I'd be STOKED
  • I have the same thing. What I've always done is each week I've had one freebie day. On that day, I can eat whatever I want, no guilt. But then I have to watch it super close the rest of the time. All of that was before I found MFP though, and I had never officially "counted" calories before. This was my first weekend on…
  • When I first started losing weight I put a bunch of clothes aside as goal clothes...when I pulled them out and tried them on they were too big. Oops. Of course that was 2 years and a pregnancy ago. Even though I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight I'm not shaped the same at all. I have very few goal clothes right now.…
  • Totally agree!!!
  • I concur. Crisps/potato chips are very addicting. So I do two things. One, I only eat the reduced fat/fat free ones. (My opinion, Ruffles Reduced Fat and Pringles Light Fat Free are the best) and I limit myself to only one serving. I am weaning myself off. I've also discovered that what I am craving the most in these chips…