how to get through the weekends- being healthy!

so for me, i will do good all week and then the weekend comes and i cant seem to control myself. my brother and his son come to my place on the weekends for his visitation and they are always eating crap, fastfood or these delicious (not healthy) dinners that my grandma makes. if i say no to the food they will usually say you can have just one burger or just one slice...which never ends up being just one. i cant seem to get away and run on the tredmil because my nephew just wants me to play with him so i usually just give up on eating as well. any tips on how to get through these weekends, so i can finally loose weight....


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Make one of those days your cheat days so you don't feel guilty for eating it, and then just eat in moderation!

    Because they are slice, or two or three one day won't kill ya!
  • Licacorona
    Licacorona Posts: 118 Member
    Make space for it in your calorie count. Even if it isn't the healthiest of meals, at least you're not going over your calories. If you must. Also, make sure you work out early in the day so that you have those extra exercise calories to eat in case you need more calories in your budget. This is what I did this past weekend and I was more successful even when I felt I was doing bad simply by eating the not healthy food. It's always easier to say "ok, today I will allow myself this for dinner ONLY for all my hard work over the week" than to eat junk all saturday and all sunday.

    I'm still fighting and struggling with weekends too.
  • ActiveTami
    ActiveTami Posts: 33 Member
    That is a tough one! Maybe you could try convincing them for all of you to go out to do something else that involves more activity. What that could be... I don't know. The only thing that comes to my mind is going for a bike ride or something. Good luck!
  • a_q_u_a_lizard
    yes great ideas! thanks so much i will try these!
  • nibblerbigcat
    I would like to hear suggestions as well, because weekends are my downfall too. :( I tend to drink a lot, eat a lot, and rest a lot!
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    i plan my meals mostly and allow myself to eat a little more than normal, etc. but i am also maintaining and not necessarily losing. but something else to consider would be to try to get in a big workout over the weekend so that eating more/etc. doesn't have such a severe impact. i'm in this for life and life includes occasional indulgences.... but i eat really well at home.... it's going out that usually puts me at risk of overeating or eating unhealthy.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yep, people are often saying, "you can just have one!" No, in fact, I cannot. For lots of reasons. I've had to learn to be tough with people. They may mean well, but they will derail you faster than you can blink.

    For me, keeping plenty of foods in the house allowed on my diet helps. And planning the menus, knowing what I'm making for lunch, dinner, etc. And I do have to limit my social interactions. If friends don't understand, too bad.
  • batelohim83
    I have the same thing. What I've always done is each week I've had one freebie day. On that day, I can eat whatever I want, no guilt. But then I have to watch it super close the rest of the time. All of that was before I found MFP though, and I had never officially "counted" calories before. This was my first weekend on MFP, and it also happened to be my 10 year high school reunion, so there were times when I honestly was not sure what I was eating/drinking or the calorie content of it. So I can't say that I did so well this weekend. I also try to just moderate what I eat, and think about "ok do I REALLY want pizza, because it sounds really good and I have been good all week and I can handle a treat? OR do I want pizza because thats what everyone else is having and I don't want to be weird, or I'm being lazy or whatever." It's definitely tough to stick to it on weekends. Sometimes though, we deserve a treat. Otherwise we'll binge later!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I honestly for the most part eat what I want on weekends, and have still lost weight.. mainly because I eat healthy all during the week, so friday, saturday and sunday are my "downtime" from dieting.

    If it's a burger, only have the burger and not the bun.. you'll save a ton of carbs and calories that way. Instead of having all the fries only have half... drink water/iced tea instead of soda and other high calorie drinks.

    If its something that grandma makes, then have it but take a smaller amount then what seems "normal" to you. You can always have more if you are truly hungry.

    Also, if you're busy playing with you're nephew, that counts as calories burned depending on what you're playing. Tag, basketball, even the Wii, can count... may be hard to log them exactly, but if you know that you're doing something active, it won't seem as bad.
  • a_q_u_a_lizard
    Yep, people are often saying, "you can just have one!" No, in fact, I cannot. For lots of reasons. I've had to learn to be tough with people. They may mean well, but they will derail you faster than you can blink.

    For me, keeping plenty of foods in the house allowed on my diet helps. And planning the menus, knowing what I'm making for lunch, dinner, etc. And I do have to limit my social interactions. If friends don't understand, too bad.

    yeah that is one thing im gonna have to family doesnt understand so im just gonna have do it.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Make one of those days your cheat days so you don't feel guilty for eating it, and then just eat in moderation!

    Because they are slice, or two or three one day won't kill ya!

    I totally agree. I do the same things at my house, since I'm the only one really watching my calories and my exercise.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Because they are slice, or two or three one day won't kill ya!
    Actually, it can do quite a bit of damage to your efforts, depending on who you are. And the OP indicated that this happens every weekend. I can't have a cheat day every single weekend. I don't appreciate the assumption that what won't hurt one person also won't hurt another.