

  • Thanks! I'll check them out!
    in Shoes Comment by syellen09 January 2012
  • Hey there and welcome! I am pretty new here too and I already love it! The motivation from others is amazing and incredibly helpful. We have similar goals too so feel free to add me and we can work together!!
  • Congrats on taking this step! I am pretty new myself but this is an awesome tool for keeping yourself accountable and getting motivation from others. Welcome, welcome!
    in *New* Comment by syellen09 July 2011
  • Salt Lake City, UT :)
  • Good luck with everything! I just started today too and am trying to implement my treadmill during LO's naps! Running is a great release and I hope we can both stick to it!! Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other!
  • Congrats on the new baby! I am seven months postpartum and still have all of my baby weight plus a little more! Yikes! Breastfeeding didn't work for me as far as losing weight goes and in fact, for my sister, she didn't lose weight until she stopped bfing. I am new here too so I am hoping this will help! Good luck!