I realised some of the threads were old, was torn between commenting, but decided to just see if there were any shorties still around. as I've been a member here since 2011, I thought maybe there'd still be some around. There's not many, you see. I'm done now anyway.
Trying to recover. Feel free to add me anyone from this thread.
I have an ed, feel free to add me, anyone from this thread x
Feel free to add me
Could you give yourself regular times for eating, and try not to stray away from them? Say, no eating after 7pm?
I'm 4ft 8, and have lost 30lb, feel free to add me x
I'm 4ft 8, and have lost 30lb, feel free to add me x
I'm 4ft 8, and have lost 30lb, feel free to add me x
I'm 4ft 8, and have lost 30lb, feel free to add me x
I'm 4ft 8, and have lost 30lbs in total. I use MFP everyday. I think I'd be lost without it. Feel free to add me. X
I'm 4ft8, and my weight loss journey of losing 30lbs has taken me 18 months. feel free to add me xx
I'm 4ft 8, and have lost 30lb, feel free to add me x
4ft 8, feel free to add me x
I'm 4ft 8, feel free to add me x
I'm 4ft8, I've lost 30lbs, so feel free to add me xx
Urgh, I just keep putting weight on, whether I'm consciously trying to lose it or not. At 4ft 7in and fairly sedentary, there's only so much I can restrict without being stupid.
Height: 4ft 7in Weight: 101pounds. Only just started. Trying to get back to Goal weight: 87pounds.