

  • I'm really trying to stay away from any and all foods that are "artificial". That's not to say that I always succeed. In fact I don't. I occasionally use Equal (which is Aspartame as well). But it is my goal. I really try to cut things out altogether rather than use an artificial substitute. For that same reason I don't…
  • So after reading scarlettfever2005's post I went digging again for numbers. I can say with a bit of certainty that your math is good. Your beginning numbers (sadly enough for me) appear to be suspect. By that I mean the number of grams per Cup of granulated Sugar appears to be low. Quite low in fact. Here is what I found…
  • So I did some additional research on this question and found out that there is no internationally agreed upon standard for what constitutes a "volumetric cup". Apparently in Canada (as well as several other countries that use the English measurement system) a “Cup” is 250ml whereas in the United States the “legal…
  • Thanks for all the quick replies. I was curious when so many of you commented on 2/3 of a cup of sugar per a gallon of tea being "a lot" of sugar, so I went looking for some recipes to see if I was above or below the curve on that. I know that I can't stand the Sweet Tea's that we can find in restaurants theses days…
  • My understanding is that is correct. A 16oz glass of water equates to 2 MFP Cups as well as 2 measured cups. BTW: 8oz (1 measured Cup) = 237ml for those metrically minded folks
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