

  • That is my one area that sucks. My belly just has hanging skin :( but then again I had a child that was over 8 lbs and I was very petite. Still, sucks. Have you looks into laser therapy?
  • It is good to remember though that if you've already been overweight you will always have to eat less than another female of the same size who has been that size their whole life. Your body produces more fat cells as you gain weight. The bad part, is when you lose weight those cells are still there, just not as full. It…
  • The little things throughout a day can add up too. For instance, purposefully park the car further away from the store, take stairs, things like that. Also, if you want to use your kids, I like to make "obstacle" courses in the backyard. Hula hoops are like tire rings, ladders, jumping jacks, etc. If you can make it like a…