

  • Great job!!!! I myself weighed in at 189 this morning; never thought I'd see anything under 200 anytime soon. :smile: <a href=""><img src="" width="200" height="80" border="0" alt="LilySlim Weight loss tickers" /></a>
  • Hi there; I'm too am new to posting on the site, but have been logging each and every day for over a month now. I too need to lose about 100 lbs and am almost finished with bariatric classes (2 left). I keep bouncing from being 100% sure to do I really want to? I've attended support meeting and everyone says they don't…
  • I'm right there with ya. I'm been focusing on high protein and low cholesterol and carbs, but the scale doesn't want to cooperate. I keep wavering from being 100% that I want this surgery (almost done with classes) to can I lose the weight myself and still enjoy foods without limitations? We need the inspiration.
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