

  • I'm not sure how you calculate it by step but there is a cadio option on the fitness calculator for jogging or running up stairs. Maybe there is one for walking as well!
  • I love eating a fresh omelet for breakfast. 1 egg loaded with fresh peppers, onion, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, with a bit of cheese! So delicious, and you can even make it the night before and take to work and reheat!
    in Abs Comment by tmackenzie43 June 2010
  • Morning! I have all of the Taebo VHS from awhile ago. (Hence the VHS  ) There are four different videos One is an 8 minute workout with is mostly high intensity cardio/ and strength training - It would be perfect for the morning. There is a 1 hour work that focuses on all areas The other was a 30 minute that focused on…