2larvae Member


  • I have been on connect for awhile. Might be nice to have friends. My username is cracket.
  • Yes - lots of water. But I won't rule out a margarita in a bit! The person below me enjoys a night out with friends?
  • It's nice to find others that know how you feel, though I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I started having LOTS of PVCs years ago, and I have a couple of other freaky little beats every so often. I've had the 30-40 a minute, and it is exhausting. I gave up running, because I was ending up in a panic. So I'm beginning to…
    in PVC's Comment by 2larvae July 2011
  • Those v-raises are the worst!! I question if I'll ever be able to follow Natalie on that move. So many abdominal muscles are aching on level 2. I see it as progress - I'm rediscovering long-forgotten muscles. Even doing deep squats and lunges, I'm not big changes to my hips and rear. I started paying attention to food…
  • Got room for one more? I started on July 9th, and I begin level 2 today! I have to say, the results so far have not been impressive. I hope the level 2 workout will target my hips and butt a little more. I previewed level 2... looks pretty tough!