

  • I don't experience that on the elliptical but have on a stationary bike. I have no idea why it happens, but I do check my circulation after & everything seems 2 b fine.
  • I use any kind of onions in lots of foods: throw some meat in the oven with some onions carrots & potatoes, chop chicken into bite sized pieces & saute them on the stove with onions & peppers, homemade chicken noodle soup, etc. The only thing I feel u would need 2 keep in mind about vidalias is that they tend 2 b sweeter…
  • That's fantastic!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ok, let me c if I understand. According to MFP my daily maintenance (calories just 2 survive & avg daily activity w/o exercise?) is 2200/day. So that would make 20-35% deficit 4 loss equal 440-770/day. So total daily calories would b 1430-1760 per day. Now, how I acheive that 1430-1760 is my "choice" right? By choice I…
  • What I have come to find is that the least processed food is the best food u can eat. The closest 2 nature that is. Once they start processing it, even if it's sold as "healthy", there r way 2 many variables. Plus, some people soak up calories that other people don't & it depends on the person. U need 2 find out what works…
  • I have come across a couple of discrepancies as well. I don't think we can edit something somebody else put into the database, so I have simply entered my own into it. At least that way I know that the food I entered into my daily counter is accurate, as I have prepared it. I have a feeling that is why some foods have…
  • I find that the more I drink the longer I last between bathroom breaks. The first coulple of days r rough, going all the time. But after that, my body got used 2 it & now it's not that bad at all.
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