Please feel free to add me. Currently doing Beachbody programs and eating healthy. Would like a good support group and motivation to continue doing what I am doing. Thanks
Hi, my name is Claudia. I've been using my MFP on and off for the past 2 years. I weight 150 and my ideal weight is 135. I am currently on my 3rd week of Insanity.
Hi, I have the Deluxe package and it's totally worth it. I sometimes do it on my days off. The stability ball gives you a great workout and changes things a bit. I am on on my second week of CX and love it.
Hello, I also started CX on October 1st. Feel free to add so we can motivate each other. Right now I am using 6lb, 8lb and 10 lb. Is that considered too light? I can see some of you are lifting way more than me.