

  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions!!! :D
  • Recently, I have been doing it once a month and last month I lost 6 pounds. It was because of a break up, though, so I have probably gained some back. I believe once every other week would be a good amount of time to give yourself!
  • Great job! I can't wait til some of my shirts look cute on me!
  • Hey! I'm a 22 year old female trying to lose about 150 pounds. I'm not sure what your "major pounds" means, but you should add me and we can help motivate each other. You will find the people on this website are very motivating and down-to-earth and you'll probably have about 10 friend requests by the end of the night! I…
    in Hello! Comment by knightl April 2010
  • I wouldn't recommend eating them. You burn those calories to get rid of the weight, so why eat them all over again? That's just my thought though.
  • Oh yum! I might leave out the carrots though. Not sure what julienned means lol
  • I COULD NOT AGREE MORE WITH THIS! "Don't let one bad day ruin everything for you." I have stopped dieting SOOO many times, and although I have no idea how old you are, it feels horrible to know that I am going into my sophomore year of college looking like a beached whale. I HATE IT!! So, I want to give up all the time.…
  • This whole discussion has me laughing so hard. I love it!! BTW, I don't fart. I fluffy.
  • LOL That made me laugh. "wind" Changing my diet has made me USE the bathroom a lot more, but as for gas, thankfully, I haven't had that problem! Mint tea IS supposed to be good for that, though, plus it tastes amazing!
  • Oh yeah the British Lit teacher is awesome! ;) And I'd appreciate all your help :) Send me a friend request and we'll definitely keep in touch!
  • I'd be more than happy to be a weight loss buddy with you! :) I joined two days ago. I did horribly the first day and today I planned all my meals ahead of time so I'd stick with them. You sound very motivated. I was in a friend's wedding recently and when I looked back at the pictures, I was like EWW!!! You don't want…
  • This is inspirational! It's only my first day and now I really want to do this :) I've never, ever in my life worn a bikini to the beach. That's what I'm aiming for.