Can I ask a newbie question? Please don't hit me

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I know this has probably been asked a million times already but I can't find the answer. Do I need to eat my exercise calories that are added to my total or do I not eat them.

I burned 450 cals today and it was automatically added to my calorie total. I don't know if I need to eat 450 less or what.

Thanks so much!


  • Hey Lisa,

    The 450 that you burned is added to your total because you now have that amount allotted to you on top of your calorie goal. So basically, you can eat 450 calories more, not less!! Congrats on the great workout! Good luck :)

  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    its a preference... some people dont eat any of their exercise calories ..... some eat all and some eat half ..... its trial by error .... just experiment ........GOOD LUCK
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member

    This might help. Also, look around for the "thumb-tacks" on the discussion boards...they are loaded with info to help you on your way!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It depends.

    If you included your exercise in your activity level when you set up your goals, then it's already accounted for and you shouldn't input your exercise in the daily log because you are counting them twice.

    If you only included non-exercise activity when you set up your goals, then it's up to you if you want to eat your exercise calories. Some people don't do well if they don't eat them, but some people don't loss if they do.

    My advice is to make sure you really earned them before you just eat them. So many of the calorie counters over-estimate what I burn in exercise (except for running -- they under-estimated that one) so even now, on maintenance, I don't always eat them all. Through wearing a heart rate monitor off and on and listening to my body, I've gotten to the point where I can kind of tell how many I've burned vs. what I've eaten but it's taken a while. While I was learning, I was conservative -- rounding food intake up and rounding exercise down -- until I could be more sure of the numbers.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I agree with Megan...see what works best for you. Some of it depends on what you have as your beginning calorie allotment. Is it 1200? Eat them! If it is already set higher because you enrolled with an active lifestyle, try eating them and see how it goes. If you are not losing, then try eating 2/3rds...and so on.

    Also, consider a HRM. I think one of the problems that people have in not knowing what to do is that they don't have accurate numbers to begin with.

  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I've eaten them all , eaten none, and deat some of them at some point during my weight loss journey. Here is a link to a topic that has covered this pretty well. It gives all the scientific reasons, and all the reasoning behind what MFP does. Check it out! If it doesn't answer your question, let us know and we'll try to keep helping!
  • Sunshinechic
    Sunshinechic Posts: 31 Member
    When I first started MFP I was eating all of my exercise calories, I actually gained weight. I was so frustrated:frown: I ask the same question. I found out that some people do and some don't. Everybody is different. So it was trial and error for me. I found out that if I want to lose, ( who doesn't)? I can't eat my exercise calories. Good Luck!!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Thanks so much everyone. I have a Polar HRM and I love it! That's what it said I burned but I always estimate down.
    Thanks again!
  • knightl
    knightl Posts: 14
    I wouldn't recommend eating them. You burn those calories to get rid of the weight, so why eat them all over again? That's just my thought though.
  • Sunshinechic
    Sunshinechic Posts: 31 Member
    Where did you buy your polar HRM? I would like to buy one. Thanks:smile:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    My husband got it for me for Christmas. I do know you can bascially get one at any fitness store or order one from I have a polar F6 and I LOVE it!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Considering I dodn't wear a heart rate monitor that tells me the exact number of calories I burned, no I don't eat them all back. From the estimate that's given to me and how hungry I feel, I usually eat back anywhere from 0-75%.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    My husband got it for me for Christmas. I do know you can bascially get one at any fitness store or order one from I have a polar F6 and I LOVE it!

    jealous haha. i wish i would know exactly how much i burn
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