

  • Well today is day 12 and I have lost 9.8 lbs. I am very happy with my progress so far. I go on vacation in 4 weeks and would love to have another 10 lbs off.
  • Well today I am on day 4 of cycle 1---total weight loss is 5.6 lbs--I know most of it is water weight, but just seeing the numbers go down keeps me motivated. I can feel a difference in my clothes, which is nice. This plan is much, much better than WW. My goal is to lose another 10 lbs. by the time I go on vacation on…
  • I have had a bad back for 9 years (herniated L4/L5 with S1 nerve--sciatic) and it started out just like you. Call the doctor and see a chiropractor ( I sware by mine--and he actually got me back on my feet). When my back acts up I use a T.E.N.S unit (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acronym TENS) is the use of…
  • I found this site by accident, and boy am I glad that I did. I started the 17 day diet on Monday, so I am on Cycle 1 Day 3 and so far so good. I haven't weighed myself yet, but i feel like maybe I lost some weight. Today I have been a bit sick to my stomach, I do not know if it is the diet or the heat and humidity that we…
  • I know what you are going through--my best friend died 9 years ago. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her. In the begining when I thought of her, I would get sad, now when I think of her, all I remember are the good times. I takes time to heal